Page 19 - CHRISTIE'S Marchant Nine Decades of Chinese Art 09/14/17
P. 19


  Rare Longquan Celadons from the
     14th and Early 15th Century


The current sale includes a particularly interesting group of Yuan          是次Marchant專拍中有一批引人入勝的元代和明初
         and early Ming celadon wares from the Longquan kilns, which        龍泉青瓷,其中不乏典藏級的珍罕之作。近年來,
         includes some pieces which are extremely rare. Yuan and early      由於新的研究成果相繼出現,加上台北國立故宮
Ming Longquan celadons have come to prominence in recent years due          博物院於2009年舉辦了名為「碧綠:明代龍泉窯青
to new research, the important exhibition of Ming dynasty Longquan          瓷」的大型明代龍泉窯青瓷展,多場重量級的國際
celadon wares, Bilu – Mingdai Longquanyao qingci 碧綠—明代龍泉窯                   青瓷再度大放異彩。由此可見,在古今中外藏家眼
青瓷 (Green – Longquan Celadons of the Ming), at the National Palace          中,該時期龍泉窯青瓷的魅力長盛不衰。
Museum, Taipei in 2009, and the sale of a small number of important
pieces in major international auctions. One of the things that has become   龍泉青瓷並非得名於某個特定的窯口,其實龍泉乃
clear, is that the Longquan celadons of this period were, and remain,       是浙江南部一個陶瓷集散地。龍泉青瓷譽滿天下,
very highly regarded by both Chinese connoisseurs and overseas patrons.     這既可歸功於用料精良,亦得益於器形多變,但最
The name Longquan applied to these celadons does not come from              疑,早期龍泉青瓷承襲了浙江的越瓷遺風。故此,
a specifc kiln site, but rather from the name of the market town in         北宋燒造的龍泉陶件釉料甚薄,與越窯製品極為接
southern Zhejiang province to which these celadon-glazed ceramics           近。
were brought for sale and distribution. Longquan celadons were admired
not only for the high quality of the raw materials used to make them,       南宋偏安浙江杭州之際,正是龍泉青瓷的重大變革
and for the variety of their forms, but most especially for the beauty      期。南下的皇族和菁英階層品味高雅,對優質精品
of their subtle, delicately translucent, glazes. Early Longquan celadons    陶瓷的需求亦應運而生。毫無疑問,為了迎合新湧
undoubtedly owed a considerable debt to the legacy of the celadon-          現的客戶,龍泉窯開始創燒各式釉色清淺的佳妙陶
glazed wares from the Yue kilns, which were made in the same province.      瓷,這類作品在海內外蔚然風行。經典龍泉釉屬於
Thus in the Northern Song period the Longquan kilns produced                石灰鹼釉,與石灰釉類的越釉和耀州釉截然不同。
celadon-glazed stonewares with rather thin glazes, very similar to those    龍泉釉的某些成份比先前的越釉更難溶解,故窯燒
of Yue wares.                                                               後變化不大,再加上釉內氣泡密集,故形成了龍泉
The major change in Longquan celadons came in the Southern Song             泉釉比越釉更黏稠,且外觀通常較為肥腴,故呈色
period, with the establishment of the court at Hangzhou in Zhejiang.        瑩潔厚潤。
Members of the court and the accompanying elite had refned tastes
which would have required high-quality, sophisticated ceramics. It was      雖然南宋時期的龍泉器物在國內外已廣受認同,但
doubtless in response to this infux of new patrons that the Longquan        其境內外的產量在元代仍大幅攀升。在產量帶動
kilns began to develop the fne ceramics with soft green celadon glazes      下,活躍於龍泉地區的元代窯口多達三百個左右。
that were to prove hugely popular both in China and overseas. This          龍泉窯址分佈甚廣,除了西面的大窯、金村和溪口
classic Longquan glaze is a lime-alkaline glaze – in contrast to the        等成名於南宋的窯區,東面更向甌江和松溪兩岸擴
Yue and Yaozhou glazes, which were both lime glazes. Some of the            展。乘河流之便,陶瓷製品既可直達泉州和溫州
components in the Longquan glaze were less soluble than those in the        港,再付運日本乃至土耳其等海外市場,亦可運往
previous Yue glaze, and remained intact after fring. These, together        中國其他地區。
with gas bubbles, produced the delicate translucence typical of Longquan
glazes. In addition the new ‘classic’ Longquan glaze was more viscous       一些元代和明初特有的大件龍泉器物,其最早的靈
than the Yue glaze, and was usually thicker, as well as having a purer and  感很可能來自西亞客戶的要求。然而,這類器物亦
richer colour.                                                              深受東亞客戶歡迎。除中國之外,佳妙龍泉青瓷在
                                                                            日本亦大受追捧,稱名寺內金澤貞顯 (公元1278–
Although the popularity of Longquan wares was very successfully             1333年) 墓葬文物中便有一件龍泉青釉蓋罐。據稱,
established during the Southern Song period - both at home and abroad       北條實時 (公元1224–1276年) 於鎌倉時代創建稱名
- production was considerably expanded in both these markets during         寺,該寺仍珍藏兩件龍泉青釉大瓶及一例飾堆塑的
the Yuan dynasty. Indeed, as the Yuan dynasty progressed, production
rose to such an extent that some 300 kilns were active in the Longquan
region. These kilns ranged across a signifcant area from the Dayao (大
窯), Jincun (金村) and Xikou (溪口) kiln complexes in the west, which
had been prominent in the Southern Song dynasty, to those further east
on the Ou (甌江) and Songxi (松溪) rivers. These rivers facilitated the
transportation of the ceramics to other parts of China as well as to the
ports of Quanzhou (泉州) and Wenzhou (温州), whence they could be
exported to markets ranging from Japan to Turkey.

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