Page 15 - CHRISTIE'S Marchant Nine Decades of Chinese Art 09/14/17
P. 15


Stuart and Samuel Marchant previewing an auction, circa 2004  Richard and Stuart Marchant in the library at 120 Kensington Church Street,
                                                              circa 2005

Richard and Stuart sharing their passion and knowledge of Chinese art,      熱忱和認識,還在店裏朝夕共事,並常結伴出
spending their days together in the shop and often traveling together.      遊。司徒特就像為赫特曼工作時一樣,除了與
As Stuart had done when he worked with Alan Hartman, he now                 理查德聯袂出席預展和拍賣會,還會就每件拍
attended viewings and auctions with Richard, the two conferring on          品的賣點交換心得,斯時斯景至今不變。
the merits of each piece, as they do to this day.
                                                                            自1980年起,S. Marchant & Son開始舉辦展覽及
Starting in 1980, S. Marchant & Son began holding exhibitions with          配印圖錄,其中泰半為專題展覽。迄今,該公
accompanying catalogues, many of them refecting a specifc theme.            司合共推出四十五場展覽及相關的圖錄:其中
These exhibitions and catalogues, which number forty-fve, include           五場御瓷展、數場明末清初過渡期瓷器、明瓷
fve focusing on imperial porcelain; several on transitional porcelain,      及古染付專題展,六場玉器展,以及四場德化
Ming porcelain and Kosometsuke; six on jade; as well as four on             白瓷展 (1985年的德化白瓷展也是公司首場週
blanc de Chine, which includes the very frst anniversary exhibition         年慶祝展)。此外,尚有七場私人珍藏展覽及圖
held in 1985. In addition, seven exhibitions and catalogues were of         錄,其中之一為中國玻璃器展。上述展覽圖錄
private collections, including one of Chinese glass. Many of these          的序言,大多由倫敦維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物
catalogues had an introduction by John Ayers, the founder and former        館遠東部創始人及前負責人艾爾斯 (John Ayers)
Keeper of the Far Eastern Department at the Victoria and Albert             親自撰寫。1995年,該公司舉辦了一場七十週
Museum in London. In 1995, their 70th anniversary, they held an             年誌慶玉器展,並由此開創了五年一度玉器特
exhibition of Post-Archaic Jades, beginning a tradition of holding a        展的傳統,最近一次是2015年Marchant九十週年
special exhibition of jades every fve years, the last celebrating the 90th  誌慶展覽。上乘古玉歷年來備受重視,足見司
anniversary of Marchant in 2015. This special focus on fne jades is         徒特對玉器情有獨鍾。
very much a refection of Stuart’s passion for jade.
                                                                            S. Marchant & Son長期在格羅夫諾古董藝術博覽
Over the years, S. Marchant & Son exhibited at the Grosvenor House          會 (1975–2009) 參展,理查德更出任該會的東
Art & Antiques Fair (1975-2009), with Richard acting as the Chairman        方藝術評審委員會主席達十年之久,直至博覽
of the Oriental Vetting Committee for ten years until 2009, when            會於2009停辦為止。2003至2005年期間,他曾擔
the fair closed. Richard was also the Treasurer of the British Antiques     任英國古董商協會司庫,其後四年出任主席一
Dealers Association from 2003-2005, and then served as its chairman         職。此外,該公司更一直在紐約國際亞洲藝術

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