Page 12 - CHRISTIE'S Marchant Nine Decades of Chinese Art 09/14/17
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Richard Marchant, circa 1970 Richard Marchant in the gallery at 120 Kensington Church Street, circa 1965
Christie’s and director of its Oriental Art Department, to confer with John Figgess) 考慮並於1973年在東京開設佳士得
Richard when Christie’s was considering opening an offce in Tokyo, 辦事處之前,多番諮詢理查德的意見。約翰爵
which Christie’s did in 1973. Richard was present when Sir John 士於東京舉辦的首場佳士得拍賣會上,理查德
held his frst auction for Christie’s in Tokyo, which he conducted in 亦在現場,更以流利日文主持拍賣。
fuent Japanese.
In 1975 Sydney passed away, but in 1985, S. Marchant & Son once 查德之子司徒特 (Stuart) 加入公司後,「S.
again refected its name when Richard’s son Stuart joined the frm. Marchant & Son」始再度成為一家名副其實的父
In preparation, Stuart had already worked for two years at Christie’s 子公司。司徒特為了裝備自己,此前已在倫敦
in London, frst in the saleroom and then in the Chinese department 佳士得供職兩年,先是在拍賣廳工作,後轉至
warehouse, during which he was responsible for setting up the 中國藝術品庫存部,專責中國藝術品拍賣的備
display of the Chinese art sales. After this he attended the Christie’s 展事宜。爾後,他先攻讀了為期一年的佳士得
art course for a year, prior to going to New York where he worked 藝術課程,再赴紐約為赫特曼 (Alan Hartman) 工
for Alan Hartman for two years. Stuart’s entry into the business was 作兩年。司徒特投身家族業務之際,他和理查
the beginning of a very special and close working relationship, with 德之間亦發展出一段獨一無二、緊密無間的工