Page 11 - CHRISTIE'S Marchant Nine Decades of Chinese Art 09/14/17
P. 11


S. Marchant & Son exhibition at the Grosvenor House Art & Antiques Fair, circa 1976

before the move to the current location at 120 Kensington Church                     Church Street的現址。理查德加入後,S.
Street in 1952. With Richard’s entry into the business, S. Marchant &                Marchant & Son開始專攻東方藝術,聚焦於明代
Son began to specialize in Oriental art, focusing on Imperial wares of               (公元1368–1644年) 和清代 (公元1644–1911年)
the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, especially                      的御用器物,主力蒐購理查德鐘情的瓷器、玉
porcelain, jade and cloisonné, a refection of Richard’s interest in this             器和琺瑯器。迄今,此類作品依然是公司業務
area. To this day, this is still their primary focus.                                的重中之重。

During the early years, Chinese and Japanese art was readily available               其實,早年的倫敦拍場上已有不少中日藝術
at auctions in London, but in the early 1960s Sydney had the foresight,              品,但在1960年代初,悉尼已像Bluett、Sparks
along with agents of the London frms Bluett and Sparks, to begin                     等倫敦古董商般洞悉先機,開始開拓香港這個
traveling to Hong Kong where an entirely new market was opened                       嶄新的市場,並在當地廣結人脈。當時日本的
to him, and where he made many connections. In 1962, Richard                         情形亦不遑多讓,故從1962年起,理查德常遠
also began making regular trips to Japan. Richard’s knowledge of the                 赴香港和日本。他對日本藝術市場知之甚詳,
art market in Japan led Sir John Figgess, a member of the board at                   所以佳士得董事及東方藝術部總監約翰爵士 (Sir

opposite: Samuel Sydney Marchant and his wife
Sally on their honeymoon, Paris, 1920s

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