Page 16 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 16



    A VERY RARE CARVED LONGQUAN CELADON                                             明洪武  龍泉青釉劃花梔子紋玉壺春瓶

    BOTTLE VASE, YUHUCHUNPING                                                       來源
                                                                                    Ralph M. Chait Gallery,紐約
    HONGWU PERIOD (1368-1398)                                                       埃斯肯納齊,倫敦,2008年

    The globular body is carved with blossoming gardenia branches                   展覽
    above a band of upright overlapping petals and below bands of                   2009-2017年間借展於西雅圖藝術博物館
    gardenia and hibiscus scrolls at the neck interspersed by sets of
    horizontal parallel lines. The vase is covered overall with an even             瓶撇口、細頸、梨形大圓腹、圈足。外壁以帶狀劃花為飾,頸飾芙蓉
    glaze of pale olive tone with the exception of the foot rim.                    紋、纏枝梔子紋,腹飾梔子紋,下接仰蓮瓣紋。足沿以外全器滿釉。整
    13 in. (33 cm.) high                                                            體比例勻稱,用刀工緻,為明初處州官窯中難能可貴的佳作。

    HK$900,000-1,500,000             US$120,000-190,000                            近似例雖經著錄,但未見相同紋飾的例子。大多的近似例除了腹部的主體
    PROVENANCE                                                                      卉紋、仰蓮瓣紋及回紋組成。主體紋飾以牡丹紋及蓮紋居多,前者可參考
    Ralph M. Chait Gallery, New York                                                2期,頁259;台北故宮數例,載於《碧綠–明代龍泉窯青瓷》,台北,
    Eskenazi Ltd., London, 2008                                                     2009年,頁108-113,圖版52-55,且劃花皆頗為草率;北京故宮一例,
    EXHIBITED                                                                       佳士得,1991年10月1日,拍品732號,及香港蘇富比,1996年11月5日,
    The Seattle Art Museum, 2009-2017                                               托普卡比宮一例,見《Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi Saray Museum》,伊
                                                                                    斯坦堡,第1冊,圖版223;Alan Barlow爵士伉儷珍藏一例,載於《Chinese
    The present vase is one of the finest examples of early-Ming Longquan           Ceramics, Bronzes and Jades in the Collection of Sir Alan and Lady Barlow》,倫
    celadon wares probably produced at the Imperial kilns in Chuzhou.               敦,1963年,圖版95b。北京故宮尚有一件以石榴紋為主體紋飾的例子,見
    Although a few other similar Longquan yuhunchunping are known, the              黃衛文撰〈清宮舊藏明代龍泉窯青瓷研究〉一文,載於《中國古陶瓷研究
    present vase is distinguished by its generously-proportioned body and           輯叢–龍泉窯瓷器研究》,頁247,圖3,但器型不及此例圓碩,劃花亦無
    the fluid carving, and its decoration appears to be unique.                     此生動。玫茵堂另藏一件葡萄紋的例子,載於《玫茵堂藏中國陶瓷》,第
    The majority of similar examples follow a standard arrangement of
    motifs, carved from top to bottom with bands of upright plantain
    leaves, key frets, classic scroll, pendent-ruyi collar, floral scroll, upright
    petals, and key frets again. Dominating the decoration is the wide
    register of floral scroll, with peony and lotus being the two most
    frequently depicted. For examples of the former, compare to a vase
    in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Green-Longquan
    Celadon of the Ming Dynasty, Taipei, 2009, pp. 106-7, no. 51, and four
    other vases in the same institution carved in a more cursory manner,
    see ibid., pp. 108-113, pls. 52-5; and another in the Palace Museum,
    Beijing, illustrated in Celadons from Longquan Kilns, Taipei, 2014, p.
    188, no. 161; and two sold at auctions, one at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1
    October 1991, lot 732, the other at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 5 November
    1996, lot 635. Examples of the later include a vase in the National
    Palace Museum, Taipei, ibid, pp. 114-5, no. 56; a second in the Topkapi
    Saray Museum, illustrated by Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics in the
    Topkapi Saray Museum, Istanbul, vol. I, p. 295, pl. 223; and a third
    illustrated in Chinese Ceramics, Bronzes and Jades in the Collection
    of Sir Alan and Lady Barlow, London, 1963, pl. 95b. Compare also to
    a vase with blossoming pomegranate scroll as the major band in the
    Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated by Huang Wenwen in Qinggong
    jiucang Mingdai Longquan qingci yanjiu, The Research of Porcelain
    of Longquan Kiln, Beijing, p. 247, fig. 3, and one with grapevines in
    the Meiyintang Collection, illustrated in Chinese Ceramics from the
    Meiyintang Collection, vol. three (II), London, 2006, pl. 1582.

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