Page 188 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 188


~ 3148

A LINGBI SCHOLAR’S ROCK                                                 靈璧石「清流石澗」擺件

The powerfully wrought stone of an irregular orientation is             此石聲清冽優美,盡顯靈璧特質,落足兩端,仿若清澗流淌之間,形如
covered overall with dramatic cervices, sharp ridges and jagged         元代柳宗元之《永州八記》第七篇《石澗記》曰:「若床若堂,若陳宴席,
protrusions, accentuated by pitted surfaces and concave sides.          若限閫奧。水平布其上,流若織文,響若操琴。揭跣而往,摺竹掃陳葉,
It is further pierced with several perforations of various sizes.       排腐木,可羅胡床十八九居之。交絡之流,觸激之音,皆在床下;翠羽
The resonant stone is predominately of a blackish-grey tone             之木,龍鱗之石,均蔭其上。古之人其有樂乎此耶?」
12 º in. (31 cm.) wide, wood stand                                      ~ 此標識僅針對本拍品之隨附木座。

HK$120,000-180,000       US$16,000-23,000

Please note that the use of the symbol ~ for this particular lot is in
reference only to the accompanying wood stand for the lot.

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