Page 48 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 48



    A FINE PEACHBLOOM-GLAZED VASE, LIUYE ZUN                                    清康熙  豇豆紅釉柳葉尊  六字楷書款

    KANGXI SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND OF                         尊小口外撇,長頸,溜肩,肩下斂收,高圈足。通體施豇豆紅釉。足牆
    THE PERIOD (1662-1722)
    The slender vase has tall rounded shoulders rising to a trumpet             香港佳士得,2005年5月30日,拍品1233號
    neck, all under a peachbloom glaze of rich mottled plum tone
    thinning in patches to a softer mushroom colour and concentrated            此尊造型纖巧俊美,釉色勻淨,盈潤如玉,為康熙單色釉瓷器中之佳
    in a rich raspberry ring at the foot, the upper body suffused with          作。紐約大都會博物館舊藏一件器型相同的豇豆紅柳葉尊,足牆鑲金屬
    moss green areas extending around the vessel.                               邊,2015年9月15日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品918號。
    6 º in. (16 cm.) high, box

    HK$2,200,000-3,500,000             US$290,000-450,000


    Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2005, lot 1233

    Similar examples are illustrated by S. Valenstein, Handbook of Chinese
    Ceramics, New York, pl. 138; by R. Krahl, Chinese Ceramics in the
    Meiyintang Collection, vol. 2, p. 176, pl. 817; in Kangxi Yongzheng
    Qianlong, Hong Kong, 1989, p. 139, pl. 122, from the Beijing Palace
    Museum; in the Special Exhibition of K’ang-Hsi, Yung-Cheng, Ch’ien-
    Lung Porcelain Ware from the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
    illustrated in the Catalogue, no. 8; by J. Ayers, The Baur Collection,
    Geneva, 1972, vol. III, no. A303; by Liu Liang-yu, A Survey of Chinese
    Ceramics, vol. 5, pl. 55, from the Shanghai Museum; included in the
    Hong Kong Museum of Art exhibition, The Wonders of the Potter’s
    Palette, 1984, illustrated in the Catalogue, no. 29; and by R. M. Chai
    in his article ‘The Eight Prescribed Peach-bloom Shapes Bearing the
    K’ang Hsi Marks’, published in Oriental Art, 1957, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 130-
    137, where he praises the elegant form of the vase. Compare also to an
    example with the lower body fitted with a gilt-metal band, formerly in
    the Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection, sold at Christie’s New York,
    15 September 2015, lot 918.

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