Page 52 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 52



    A VERY RARE MOULDED LEMON-YELLOW                                             清雍正  檸檬黃釉花瓣形盌  雙圈六字楷書款

    ENAMELLED FLORAL-FORM BOWL                                                   來源
    WITHIN A DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1723-1735)                         香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品3134號的淡綠彩花瓣形盌與此件拍品尺寸相略。
                                                                                 尺寸較小的例子包括:一對來自E.T. Hall舊藏的檸檬黃釉盌(直徑15.2
    The exterior is finely moulded with a band of lobed petal lappets            公分),於倫敦佳士得拍賣,2004年6月7日,拍品277號;一只淡綠彩盌
    above the short straight foot ring, the flared sides formed by               (直徑15.5公分),發表於柯玫瑰,《Chinese Ceramics, Porcelain of the
    swirling and overlapping broad mallow-flower petals continuing               Qing Dynasty 1644-1911》,倫敦,1986年,頁92,圖版66號;及一只藏
    to the lobed mouth rim, the interior is moulded to conform with              於北京故宮博物院的白釉盌(直徑15.5公分),載於《故宮博物院藏清
    the exterior, applied overall with a rich opaque lemon-yellow                代御窯瓷器》,第一冊,第二部,北京,2005年,圖版96號。
    enamel, the concave base in a transparent glaze bearing the reign
    mark.                                                                        其他同期類似的模印設計,還包括一只白釉花卉形小盃,載於《清瓷薈
    8 ¿ in. (20.7 cm.) diam., box                                                錦:香港藝術館藏清代陶瓷》,香港,1984年,頁101,圖版58號;及
    HK$1,500,000-2,500,000  US$200,000-320,000                                  803號。


    Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 October 2003, lot 703

    It is very rare to find a monochrome moulded bowl in this size from
    the Yongzheng period, as most other examples are around 15 cm. in
    diametre. Only one other large example in this dimension appears to
    have been published, which is covered in a lime-green enamel and sold
    at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 October 2003, lot 3134. Smaller examples
    include a pair in lemon-yellow enamel (15.2 cm. diam.) from the E.T.
    Hall collection, sold at Christie’s London, 7th June 2004, lot 277; one in
    lime-green enamel (15.5 cm), published in Rose Kerr, Chinese Ceramics,
    Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911, London, 1986, p. 92, pl. 66;
    and a white-glazed bowl (15.5 cm.) in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
    illustrated in Gugong Bowuyuan cang Qingdai yuyao ciqi [Porcelains
    from the Qing dynasty imperial kilns in the Palace Museum], vol. 1, pt.
    II, Beijing, 2005, pl. 96.

    Other close variants bearing similar moulded design from this period
    include a white-glazed wine cup moulded with longer petals on the
    upper tier with incised details, illustrated in The Wonders of the Potter’s
    Palette, Qing Ceramics from the Collection of the Hong Kong Museum of
    Art, Hong Kong, 1984, p. 101, cat. no. 58; and a pair of yellow-enamelled
    dishes sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 October 2001, lots 802 and 803.

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