Page 56 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 56


    A FINE AND RARE LARGE BLUE-GLAZED                                          清乾隆  霽藍釉螭龍耳鹿頭尊  六字篆書款

    DRAGON-HANDLE VASE, HU                                                     尊敞口,頸下漸廣,垂腹,圈足。肩兩側對稱飾螭龍耳。外壁通體施霽
    AND OF THE PERIOD (1736-1795)                                              此尊器型規正,碩大渾厚,為乾隆朝重要的大型陳設器。此造型為雍正
    The vase is sturdily potted with a full pear-shaped body tapering to       又稱「牛頭尊」。可參考一件較小的雍正款仿鈞釉鹿頭尊(38公分),
    a straight neck. The shoulders are set with a pair of stylised dragon      著錄於2007年上海出版《中國國家博物館館藏文物研究叢書瓷器卷
    handles. The exterior is covered with an even sapphire-blue glaze,         (清代)》,圖版57號;另一件雍正窯變釉鹿頭尊(36.8公分),
    the interior and base with a clear glaze.                                  見S. Valenstein著《 A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1989年,
    18 Ω in. (47 cm.) high                                                     圖版258號。

    HK$2,600,000-4,000,000  US$340,000-520,000                                鹿頭尊造型較常見於乾隆時期的粉彩「百鹿尊」,罩霽藍釉的例子卻不
    Qianlong vases of this size and form are usually decorated in the famille  仿汝釉例子 (36公分),螭龍耳造型略不同,著錄於2007年香港出版
    rose palette with the classic ‘Hundred Deer’ motif, such as the one from   《機暇清賞—懷海堂藏清代御窰瓷缾》,圖版25號;一件乾隆白釉例子
    the Beijing Palace Museum, illustrated in Porcelains with Cloisonne        (45公分),2001年10月30日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品835號;一件乾隆
    Enamel Decoration and Famille Rose Decoration, The Complete                青花纏枝蓮紋例子(45.7公分),1987年11月24日於香港蘇富比拍賣,
    Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 1999, pp.         拍品74號。
    98-99, pl. 85. There are also other examples in various glaze colours
    and blue and white decorations, including a Ru-type glazed example
    (36 cm.) with slightly different dragon handles in the Huaihaitang
    Collection, illustrated in Ethereal Elegance: Porcelain Vases of the
    Imperial Qing, The Huaihaitang Collection, Hong Kong, 2007,
    pl. 25; a white-glazed example (45 cm.) sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
    30 October 2001, lot 835; and a blue and white example decorated with
    scrolling lotus (45.7 cm.), sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 24 November
    1987, lot 74.

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