Page 60 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 60


    A VERY RARE PAIR OF FAMILLE NOIRE GREEN-                                清康熙  墨地綠彩雲鶴圖盌一對  雙圈六字楷書款

    ENAMELLED ‘CRANES AND CLOUDS’ BOWLS                                     來源
    UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND OF THE PERIOD (1662-1722)                           此對盌的紋飾獨特,似無其他相同例子。墨地綠彩品種極為少見,施釉
    Each is potted with deep rounded sides rising from a short slightly     J. Ayer,《The Baur Collection》,第 4 冊,編號 A.568-569;另有一只
                                                                            花瓶,於 1989 年 9 月 26 日香港佳士得拍賣,拍品 630 號,現屬三寶堂
    tapered foot, and delicately enamelled on both interior and             珍藏,可見於林業強,〈Myriad Longevity Without Boundaries〉,《Arts
                                                                            of Asia》,40 期,2010 年 9、10 月,頁 111,編號 6。乾隆款的例子則
    exterior with flying cranes among clouds in a translucent and           有一大盤,1995 年 6 月 5 日於倫敦佳士得拍賣,拍品 210 號,2006 年 4
                                                                            月 10 日再於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品 1520 號。
    vibrant green enamel reserved on a black ground.

    4 √ in. (12.5 cm.) diam., box                                 (2)

    HK$2,600,000-3,500,000         US$340,000-450,000


    Sold at Sotheby’s London, 9 and 10 November 2005, lot 747

    The present decorative scheme is highly unusual and no other example
    appears to have been published. This technique is an extension of the
    famille noire decorative style, but only employs green enamels which
    when layered with black, produces a particularly lustrous effect which
    was not easy to achieve and which accounts for the rarity of pieces
    produced in this technique in the later Yongzheng and Qianlong
    periods. Yongzheng marked examples include a saucer dish and a
    globular bottle vase, in the Baur Collection, Geneva, illustrated by
    J. Ayers in the Catalogue, vol. IV, no. A568-69; and a vase sold at
    Christie’s Hong Kong, 26 September 1989, lot 630, and now in the
    Sanbao Tang Collection, illustrated by P.Y.K. Lam, ‘Myriad Longevity
    Without Boundaries’, Arts of Asia, vol. 40, September-October 2010,
    p. 111, no. 6. Qianlong-marked examples include the large dish sold at
    Christie’s London, 5 June 1995, lot 210, and sold again at Sotheby’s
    Hong Kong, 10 April 2006, lot 1520.

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