Page 74 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 74



    A VERY RARE POLYCHROME-ENAMELLED                                           清乾隆  像生瓷喜歲連年荷葉盃  「乾隆」二字印款

    LOTUS-LEAF-FORM CUP                                                        乾隆一朝製瓷技術達到中國歷史上的巔峰,景德鎮御窯以瓷模仿各類工
    QIANLONG TWO-CHARACTER MOULDED MARK AND OF THE                             甚至幾可亂真。此盃仿荷葉形,荷葉邊自然卷折,盃內堆塑一株稻穗及
    PERIOD (1736-1795)                                                         脈自底向上規律分佈,造型小巧玲瓏,刻畫形象生動,誠為乾隆朝像生
    The cup is delicately hand-modelled in the shape of an open
    lotus leaf borne on a curled stem, with delicate details including a       傳世未見相同之例,疑為孤品。可參考幾件同樣以荷葉為造型之近似
    furled, undulating rim and characteristic veining to the interior and      例:其一為北京故宮博物院藏一乾隆款粉彩凸雕殘荷式洗,載於《清盛
    exterior, and three tiny holes to imitate insect bites. The interior       世瓷選粹》,北京,1996年,頁330,編號64(乾隆瓷器);其二為玫茵
    is further applied with a stalk of millet and a spider. The two-           堂故藏之白釉荷葉形勻筆覘及粉彩花蝶紋荷葉形勻筆覘,於香港蘇富比
    character Qianglong mark is moulded to the centre of the interior.         2011年4月7日拍賣,拍品11號。另可參考一件乾隆款銅胎畫琺瑯荷葉式
    3 ¡ in. (8.6 cm.) wide, box                                                筆覘,其一為台北故宮博物院所藏,載於《集瓊藻:院藏珍玩精華展:
                                                                               導覽手冊》,台北,2014 年,頁162。
    HK$800,000-1,200,000  US$110,000-160,000

    The present cup attests to the excellent craftsmanship of the skilful
    porcelain artists in the Qianlong reign to imitate a range of different
    materials. The Qianlong Emperor had great admiration for novel and
    exotic products, thus a large number of porcelains were made to imitate
    other materials during his reign.

    No other example appears to have been published, and only a few
    related examples are known. A Qianlong-marked famille rose washer in
    the shape of lotus, is in the collection of Palace Museum, Beijing, and
    illustrated in Selected Porcelain of the Flourishing Qing Dynasty at the
    Palace Museum, Beijing, 1994, p.330 pl. 64. Another example is a pair of
    famille rose lotus leaf ink palettes from the Meiyintang Collection, sold
    at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7 April 2011, lot 11.

    Compare, also, a related painted enamel example in the National Palace
    Museum, Taipei, illustrated in A Garland of Treasures Masterpieces of
    precious crafts in the Museum Collection : a Guide book, Taipei, 2014,
    p. 162.

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