Page 120 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 120
The Qianlong period (1736-1795) is unmatched in the 乾隆盛世,藝術珍品奢華富麗,冠絕各朝。紫禁城內
opulence of its works of art and hardly any kind of porcelain 無論宮殿廟堂或帝皇起居之地,皆盡瑰麗乾隆盛世,
could better embody the essence of the artefacts made to 藝術珍品奢華富麗,冠絕各朝。紫禁城內無論宮殿廟
surround the Emperor in the various palace and temple halls
of the Forbidden City and other residences than this five- 堂或帝皇起居之地,皆盡瑰麗堂皇,本套五供通體遍
piece garniture that is lavishly covered in gold, even including 施金彩,正是此中佳例。金地粉彩瓷器十分珍罕,通
insides and bases. Yet gold-ground fencai pieces are among 常瓷器上所見的金彩多用於模仿金銅質地,或小範圍
the rarest porcelains of the period. Gold was hardly ever 點畫器耳及紋飾等細節,或勾勒紋飾於單色彩瓷之
used on porcelain other than to imitate real gold or bronze, 上。通體金地彩瓷者存世極為少見,而本品五供為完
to pick out handles, borders and other details, or to paint
on monochrome glazes. Extant items of the period with an 整一套,輝煌至極,倍加珍稀。
overall gold ground are numbering, it seems, not much more
than two dozen. 乾隆皇帝更是對此品類五供偏愛有加。據中國第一
In spite their rarity today, the Qianlong Emperor appears to 歷史檔案館所藏的清宮瓷器檔案記載,約從1735年開
have been extremely attached to such sets, several of which 始,至少有16次金地五供器交送紀錄。清宮瓷檔中乾
might still be in the Palace Museum today in addition to the 隆四十五至五十八年,頻見金地洋彩五供交佛堂及熱
one companion set which has been published. Historical 河等記錄,更見有一套曾在乾隆四十九年最後一次南
records preserved in the First Historical Archives of China,
Beijing list no less than sixteen deliveries of gold-ground 巡時,著命交蘇州行宮供。
sets of wu gong (‘five offering vessels’), starting in the year
1735, but dating mostly from the 1780s and ‘90s, destined for 1735年貢檔進單
the Temple Hall of the Forbidden City and for the Emperor’s (奴才)善泰跪進……金地洋彩五供成分……
summer residence in Yehol (Rehe), and one set even for the 乾隆四十五年(1780年)貢檔進單
Emperor’s travelling palace in Suzhou on the occasion of his (奴才)額爾登布跪進……(交熱河)金地洋彩五
last Southern inspection tour in 1784, see below.
1735 Tribute Records – (servant) Shan Tai delivered…Gold-
ground yangcai wugong… (奴才)額爾登布跪進……(交佛堂)金地洋彩五
Qianlong 45th year (1780) Tribute Records – (servant) Eerdengbu 供成分……
delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver to Rehe)… 乾隆四十八年(1783年)貢檔進單
Qianlong 47th year (1782) Tribute Records – (servant) (奴才)額爾登布跪進……(交熱河)金地洋彩五
Eerdengbu delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver 供成分……
to temple hall)…
Qianlong 48th year (1783) Tribute Records – (servant) Eerdengbu 乾隆四十九年(1784年)貢檔進單
delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver to Rehe)… (奴才)額爾登布跪進……(交蘇州行宮供)金地洋
Qianlong 49th year (1784) Tribute Records – (servant) 彩五供成分……
Eerdengbu delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver 乾隆五十年(1785年)貢檔進單
to Suzhou travelling palace)… (奴才)穆克登跪進……(供器一分俱交佛堂)金地
Qianlong 50th year (1785) Tribute Records – (servant)
Mukedeng delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver 洋彩五供成分……
to temple hall)… 乾隆五十年(1785年)貢檔進單
Qianlong 50th year (1785) Tribute Records – (servant) (奴才)穆克登跪進……(供器一分俱著伊差人送進
Mukedeng delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong… 京交金簡)金地洋彩五供成分……
Qianlong 50th year (1785) Tribute Records – (servant) 乾隆五十年(1785年)貢檔進單
Mukedeng delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong… (奴才)穆克登跪進……金地洋彩五供成分……
Qianlong 52nd year (1787) Tribute Records – (servant) Hai
Shao delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver to 乾隆五十二年(1787年)貢檔進單
temple hall)… (奴才)海紹跪進……(寶塔寶瓶奔巴壺俱交佛堂)
Qianlong 52nd year (1787) Tribute Records – (servant) Hai 金地洋彩五供成分……
Shao delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong… 乾隆五十二年(1787年)貢檔進單
Qianlong 55th year (1790) Memorial Records – Gold-ground (奴才)海紹跪進……金地洋彩五供成分……
yangcai wugong…
Qianlong 55th year (1790) Miscellaneous Records – Shan 乾隆五十五年(1790年)奏折文稿
Tai…Gold-ground yangcai wugong… ……金地洋彩五供成分……
Dorothy Lilian Blair (1890-1989), Assistant Curator of Oriental Art, Toledo Museum of Art with colleague in front of the present lot prior to 1964
托萊多藝術博物館東方藝術助理策展人Dorothy Lilian Blair (1890-1989) 與同事在本拍品前拍攝,攝於1964年之前