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Qianlong 56th year (1791) Tribute Records – (servant) Fu Chang   乾隆五十六年(1791年)貢檔進單
 delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver to Rehe)…   (奴才)福昌跪進……(交熱河)金地洋彩五供成
 Qianlong 56th year (1791) Tribute Records – (servant) Fu Chang   分……
 delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver to temple hall)…
 Qianlong 58th year (1793) Tribute Records – (servant) Fu Ying   乾隆五十六年(1791年)貢檔進單
 delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver to Rehe)…   (奴才)福昌跪進……(交佛堂)金地洋彩五供成
 Qianlong 58th year (1793) Tribute Records – (servant) Fu   分……
 Ying delivered…Gold-ground yangcai wugong (deliver to   乾隆五十八年(1793年)貢檔進單
 temple hall)…
 When reading about the complexity of firing gold onto   乾隆五十八年(1793年)貢檔進單
 porcelain, especially the quest to achieve an even surface
 colour, it is not hard to see why it was not attempted more   (奴才)福英跪進……(交佛堂)金地洋彩五供成
 often for other vessels. The challenge began with the purity   分……
 of the raw material. Rose Kerr and Nigel Wood (Science
 and Civilisation in China, vol. 5: Chemistry and Chemical   瓷器上施金地難度極高,若要成色均勻則更難上加
 Technology, part xii: Ceramic Technology, Cambridge, 2004,   難,這或許是金地在瓷器品種中不常見的原因。首
 p. 703), quoting another scholar, Rudolf Hainbach, state   先,原料必須純淨。柯玫瑰及奈傑爾•伍德曾在其  Fig. 1 A set of five-piece stone offering vessels, Beijing © Yale University Press, New Haven
 “It is essential that chemically pure gold should be used   圖一 石五供 北京 © 耶魯大學出版社,紐黑文
 [for overglaze-gold], since the presence of even minute   書中引述學者Rudolf  Hainbach的觀點:「(釉上金
 traces of foreign metals will prevent the formation of a
 true gold colour, spoiling the tone and causing changes
 due to oxidation.” Further, for use in porcelain decoration,
 this gold had to be ground to an extremely fine powder in
 order to be thoroughly dispersed in the painting medium,
 so fine in fact, that Hainbach considered it possible only by
 chemical means. To achieve this mechanically must not only
 have required immense skills, but was clearly exceedingly   Vessel sets of any type are extremely rare in Chinese art. The   彩)原料化學成份必須純淨,稍有細微雜質,則會
 laborious and time-consuming. Finally, firing the gold onto   three vessel shapes making up the present set are all based   因氧化導致色澤變異,不成真金之色」(《Science
 the porcelain required very precise observation of the kiln   on ancient forms. The ding incense burner and the pair of gu   and Civilisation in China, vol. 5: Chemistry and Chemical
 temperatures (ibid., p. 697): “If kiln temperatures are too   vases represent baroque versions of archaic ritual bronzes,   Technology, part xii: Ceramic Technology》,劍橋,2004
 low the gold will simply rub away after firing, while if the   which had been revived in ceramic form already in the Song
 kiln is overfired the gold will tend to form fine beads as its   dynasty (960-1279). The candle sticks may be based on   年,頁703)。其二,原料必須研成極微細粉末,才
 melting point is exceeded and the definition of the gilding   bronze versions of the Tang (618-907), but ceramic examples   可均勻分佈表面。Hainbach認為如此微細的金粉當以
 will be compromised.” The potters working at the imperial   remained rare until the Ming period (1368-1644).  化學方法才可製成。而如以手工研磨,則不但需精湛
 kilns in Jingdezhen were the most experienced of their time.   Altar garnitures are known at least since the Yuan dynasty   造詣,更要耗費大量工時。最後,窰燒火候亦極其講
 That difficulties such as these are worth mentioning means   (1279-1368), but then consisted of only three pieces, an   究(出處同上,頁697):「溫度太低,出窰後金料
 that it was a tall order, out of the ordinary, to get together a   incense burner and two vases, as is documented in the
 garniture of five large matching gold-ground pieces.  inscription on the David Vases, now in the British Museum,   一抹即落,溫度高於熔點,則易生小粒,亦有損輪廓
 Some experiments with a gold ground on porcelain were   which were commissioned in 1351 together with an incense   之清晰」。景德鎮御瓷藝匠造詣冠絕當時,然而製造
 made already in the Kangxi period (1662-1722), both in the   burner for a temple near Jingdezhen, and is corroborated   如本五供般尺寸碩大的成組器,仍可謂難度極高。
 Beijing palace workshops and at Jingdezhen, probably in   by many smaller sets that are preserved. Such sets similarly
 connection with the exploration of colloidal gold to achieve   consist of a censer with upward-bent handles and two   康熙年間,京中御窰及景德鎮藝匠便已開始實驗燒製
 a ruby-pink enamel, which required far smaller quantities   gu-shaped vases, see, for example, a blue-and-white set   金地瓷器,相信與燒造胭脂紅彩而研製膠態金原料相
 of the precious metal. Two falangcai bowls in the Baur   excavated from a Yuan hoard at Futian, Pingxiang, Jiangxi   關,而胭脂紅彩瓷所需之金料則遠遠要少於金地彩
 collection, Geneva, have a gold ground, but applied to the   province, included in Chen Xiejun, Chen Kelun & Lu Minghua,
 unglazed biscuit, see John Ayers, Chinese Ceramics in the   Youlan shencai. Yuandai qinghua ciqi teji/Splendors in Smalt.   瓷。日內瓦鮑氏收藏兩琺瑯彩例,金地施於素胎之
 Baur Collection, Geneva, 1999, vol. 2, nos. 162 and 164; and   Art of Yuan Blue-and-white Porcelain, Shanghai Museum,   上,參考  John  Ayers,《Chinese  Ceramics  in  the  Baur
 a cup of Kangxi mark and period in the Palace Museum,   Shanghai, 2012, no. 70. The candle stick is a form rarely   Collection》,日內瓦,1999年,卷2,編號162  及164
 Beijing, painted with blue-enamel shou characters on   seen in porcelain and may have been introduced from   ;另見一康熙酒圓例,藏北京故宮博物院,飾金地藍
 a gold ground is illustrated together with early rose-  abroad. In the Yongle period (1403-1424), porcelain candle   彩壽字紋,與數件胭脂紅彩瓷同載於余佩瑾編,《
 pink vessels in Yu Pei-chin, ed., Yin cheng xu ying. Qing   sticks were copying Middle Eastern metal shapes, and in   金成旭映:  清雍正琺瑯彩瓷》,國立故宮博物院,台
 Yongzheng falangcai ci/Porcelain with Painted Enamels   the Zhengde period (1506-1521) blue-and-white examples
 of Qing Yongzheng Period (1723-1735), National Palace   had Arabic inscriptions, but are believed nevertheless to   北,2013年,頁290,圖15。
 Museum, Taipei, 2013, p. 290, fig. 15.  have been intended for use in a Buddhist context, like two
 John Arthur MacLean (1879-1964)

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