Page 126 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 126

Fig. 3 A set of five-piece gold-ground famille-rose offering vessels © The Palace Museum, Beijing            Fig. 4 A fine and rare gold-ground famille-rose ‘bajixiang’   Fig. 5 A fine gold-ground  famille-rose ‘floral’ vase
                                    圖三 金地粉彩五供 © 故宮博物院,北京                                                                                         Tibetan-style ewer, Seal mark and period of Qianlong, So-  © The collection of National Palace Museum, Taipei
                                                                                                                                                 theby’s Hong Kong, 26th October 2003, lot 107  圖五 清乾隆 粉彩金地花卉戟耳瓶 © 國立故宮博物院藏品,台北
                                                                                                                                                 圖四 清乾隆 金地粉彩八吉祥紋賁巴壺《大清乾隆年製》款 香港蘇富比

                        This gold-and-fencai style appears to have been favoured   藏傳佛教儀式,喜以金地粉彩瓷為供器。此品類可                                        The present garniture, which is painted with particular   本套五供製工極精,且來源顯赫,應於大約一個世紀
                        for vessels intended for Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies and   見少數藏器專有器形,包括一多穆壺作例及賁巴壺                                        attention to detail, has a long history. It is said to have been   前,由Denman Waldo Ross教授在中國購得,並後將之
                        is also found on a very small group of vessels in specific   四例。前者售於香港佳士得2006年5月30日,編號                                   acquired in China about a century ago by Dr Denman Waldo   贈予J. Arthur MacLean先生,此後由後者家族珍藏傳承
                        Tibetan shapes, such as a duomuhu monk’s cap ewer and                                                                    Ross, who gifted it to J. Arthur MacLean, and it remained in
                        four penbahu ewers with dragon spout. The former was   1295,後者其一出自羅桂祥珍藏,現藏於香港藝術                                          the family ever since. Denman Waldo Ross (1853-1935) was   至今。Denman Waldo Ross(1853-1935)為美國畫家、
                        sold at Christie’s Hong Kong 30th May 2006, lot 1295, one   館,《清瓷薈錦——香港藝術館藏清代瓷器》,香                                       an American painter, professor of art at Harvard University,   哈佛大學藝術系教授、收藏家和贊助人,在波士頓地
                        of the latter, from the collection of K.S. Lo, is in the Hong   港,1984-5年,編號68;其二售於香港蘇富比2003                             collector and patron, who was a highly influential figure in the   區藝術界極具影響力,曾任波士頓美術博物館信託管
                        Kong Museum of Art, included in the Museum’s exhibition   年10月26日,編號107(圖四);一對出自Alfred                                   art circles of the Boston area and as Trustee of the Museum of   理人,對該館收藏的集成以及哈佛大學福格藝術博物
                        The Wonders of the Potter’s Palette. Qing Ceramics from   Trapnell收藏,售於倫敦佳士得1980年4月28日,編號                                Fine Arts, Boston, had a major impact on the formation of the   館的收藏影響重大。1912年,Ross博士與MacLean先
                        the Collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong,                                                                Museum’s collection as well as that of the Fogg Art Museum,   生一同周遊中國,可以見得兩人志趣相投。
                        1984-5, cat. no. 68; another was sold in our Hong Kong rooms,   170。乾隆瓷作相類金地粉彩者,應僅見台北國立故                                 Harvard. In 1912, he travelled extensively in China with
                        26th October 2003, lot 107 (fig. 4); and a pair from the Alfred   宮博物院所藏的一件金地粉彩花卉戟耳瓶,多有出版                                MacLean, the two men clearly sharing the same interests.
                        Trapnell collection was sold at Christie’s London, 28th April   記錄,曾展於《乾隆皇帝的文化大業》,台北,2002                                J. Arthur MacLean (1879-1964) was a Curator, Lecturer and   J.  Arthur  MacLean  先生(1879-1964)是一名亞洲藝
                        1980, lot 170. The only other Qianlong vessel with closely   年,編號V-25(圖五)。                                               Collector of Asian works of art, who was instrumental in   術策展人、講師和收藏家,在多個美國博物館的亞洲
                        related gold-ground decoration appears to be a vase with                                                                 the formation of Asian art collections in several American   藝術品收藏集成過程中扮演了重要角色。他曾於波士
                        halberd handles in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, a piece   另可參考其他乾隆五供作例,兩套為胭脂紅地,其                                  museums. After having worked in the Oriental Department of   頓美術館東方部門任職,後轉職至1913  年剛成立的
                        that was frequently illustrated and included in the Museum’s                                                             the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, he moved to the Cleveland
                        exhibition Qianlong huangdi de wenhua daye/Emperor Ch’ien-  一藏於台北國立故宮博物院,曾展於《故宮歷代香                                       Museum of Art, that had just been founded in 1913, became   克利夫蘭藝術博物館,成為其首位兼當時唯一策展
                        lung’s Grand Cultural Enterprise, Taipei, 2002, no. V-25 (fig. 5).  具圖錄》,國立故宮博物院,台北,1994年,編號                             its first and sole Curator and Assistant to the Director, and   人兼館長助理,後於1919  年出任該館首位東方藝術
                        Similar altar sets of Qianlong mark and period, but lacking   105;另一例上海博物館收藏,圖載周麗麗,《上海                                   later, in 1919, its first specialized Curator of Oriental Art.   專業策展人。此後,他再轉職至芝加哥藝術博物館
                        the gold ground, include two with ruby-coloured ground,   博物館藏品研究大系:清代雍正 – 宣統官窰瓷器》                                       From there he came to the Art Institute of Chicago, where he   擔任助理院長。隨後在印第安納波利斯的約翰赫倫
                        one in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, included in the   ,上海,2014年,圖版3-153;再比一粉彩萬花錦紋                                 was Assistant Director. He then served the John Herron Art   藝術學院擔任館長,該學院為印第安納波利斯藝術
                        exhibition Gugong lidai xiangju tulu/A Special Exhibition of   例,售於紐約蘇富比2011年3月29日,編號 61;兩套                              Institute, Indianapolis, as Director, which later became the   博物館前身。他是托萊多藝術家俱樂部的創始成員,
                        Incense Burners and Perfumers Throughout the Dynasties,   鬥彩作例,其一售於倫敦蘇富比2011年5月11日,編                                     Indianapolis Museum of Art. He was a founding member of   並於  1927  年成為托萊多藝術博物館的亞洲藝術策展
                        National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1994, cat. no. 105; the other                                                            the Toledo Artists Club and became Asian Art Curator of the
                        in the Shanghai Museum illustrated in Zhou Lili, Shanghai   號 230;其二出自玫茵堂收藏,售於香港蘇富比2012                                  Toledo Museum of Art in 1927, where he remained until his   人,直至1945  年榮休。他還曾擔任密歇根印第安納
                        Bowuguan zangpin yanjiu daxi/Studies of the Shanghai   年4月4日,編號50。                                                       retirement in 1945. As Ohio representative of the Michigan   及俄亥俄州博物館協會的俄亥俄州代表,任職期間全
                        Museum Collections: A Series of Monographs. Qingdai                                                                      Indiana Ohio Museum Association, he was instrumental   力推動協會將焦點轉向藝術。在擔任各種策展職務的
                        Yongzheng – Xuantong guanyao ciqi [Qing imperial porcelain                                                               in shifting the Association’s focus from science to art.   同時,他還在多所高校教授亞洲藝術、文化和語言。
                        from Yongzheng to Xuantong], Shanghai, 2014, pl. 3-153; one                                                              Concurrently to his various curatorial posts, he taught Asian
                        with fencai mille-fleurs decoration, sold in these rooms 29th                                                            art, culture and languages at several universities.
                        March 2011, lot 61; and two doucai sets sold in our rooms, in
                        London, 11th May 2011, lot 230; and in Hong Kong, 4th April
                        2012, lot 50, from the Meiyintang collection.

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