Page 153 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
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Minneapolis into the national Target department chain. The   代頓兄弟十分重視回饋社會,他們把稅前利潤的百分
                     Dayton brothers were known to work together as a team,   之五捐給慈善機構,而布魯斯則特別專注於藝術領域
                     never taking individual credit and always playing to one   的捐贈。先生為人謙遜,內斂穩重,尤其欣賞藝術所
                     another’s strengths. A keen financier and businessman,   表達的理念、價值及美感。1942年,年僅24歲的布魯
                     Bruce Dayton held various corporate posts, including Chief   斯受到了中國藝術品收藏大家阿爾弗雷德•F•皮爾
                     Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board. However, as   斯伯裡的賞識,獲邀成為明尼亞波利斯美術館最年輕
                     he wrote in his 2008 memoir, he was always the Treasurer,   的董事一員,為美術館服務長達73載,直至終年。先
                     which afforded him a pivotal role in the decisions that   生在美術館投入的金額高達八千萬美元,《紐約時
                     transformed his family business into one of the largest   報》在2009年一篇報導中把他譽為「美國企業在藝術
                     retailers in the United States.           慈善事業方面的領頭人」。先生不但親自捐贈藝術
                     The Dayton brothers emphasized the importance of   品,還常慷慨解囊以維持館內日常營運、贊助展覽、
                     giving back to the community and committed 5% of their   購置土地修建停車設施、資助學術研討會和圖錄編纂
                     pre-tax profits to charity. For Bruce, this took the form   工作,並創立不少基金和籌款項目。個人收藏方面,
                     of art philanthropy. Known as a modest, private, and   先生在1940至1990年代初主要集中於歐洲及美國繪畫
                     reticent man, he took pleasure in the ideas, values, and   領域,期間曾把瓦西里•康丁斯基1910年的《即興五
                     beauty afforded by art. In 1942, at the age of 24, Dayton   號》、皮特•蒙德里安1922年的《紅黃藍構圖》、弗
                     was recruited by renowned Chinese art collector Alfred   蘭克•斯特拉1969年的《Tahkt-I-Sulayman,衍變II》
                     F. Pillsbury to be the youngest member on Mia’s board of   等名作贈予館方。直至他遇見司路德後,夫妻二人便
                     trustees, where he continued to serve for 73 years until   開始從上世紀九十年代起涉獵中國藝術,明尼亞波利
                     his death. He provided over $80 million to the Institute,   斯美術館亦進而成為現今有著美國最重要的中國古代
                     and was described by the New York Times in 2009 as   家具、文房雅玩等收藏的美術館。
                     “a dean of American corporate arts philanthropy.” His
                     support went beyond gifts of artworks—he also helped   司路德對中國哲學和醫學的熱衷,令布魯斯對中國文
                     to create endowments to support museum operations,   化的興趣日漸濃厚。司路德生於1935年,父親是基督
                     sponsored exhibitions, purchased land for museum   長老教會傳道人。上世紀五十年代,她畢業於美國麥
                     carpark facilities, funded conferences and catalogues,   卡萊斯特學院並取得宗教及體育雙學位,為後來投身
                     and spearheaded various funds and campaigns. As a   康體事業奠定基礎。她早年曾患紅斑狼瘡症,病痛的
                     collector from the 1940s to early 1990s, Mr. Dayton was   經歷驅使她立志畢生輔導及幫助他人。司路德勤勉好
                     interested primarily in European and American paintings,   學,對中國哲學、太極和中藥極感興趣,並將它們融
                     gifting seminal masterpieces like Wassily Kandinsky’s   入自己的教學和生活方式,她篤信身心合一,不可分
                     Study for Improvisation V (1910), Piet Mondrian’s   而論之。她是「身心醫學」的先行者,於1985年創辦
                     Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue (1922), and Frank   The Marsh療養中心,把身體健康與心靈、精神、情
                     Stella’s Tahkt-I-Sulayman, Variation II (1969) to the Mia.   緒管理合而為一。中心同時聘請了心臟科醫生和針灸
                     However, it was upon meeting his wife, Ruth, that the   師共同出診,開時代之先河。
                     couple started collecting Chinese art in the early 1990s,
                     transforming the Mia into one of the foremost collections
                     of Chinese furniture, scholarly objects and other works of
                     art in America.
                     Bruce Dayton’s interest in China was motivated by his
                     wife’s passion for Chinese philosophy and medicine.
                     Ruth Stricker Dayton was born in 1935, the daughter of
                     a Presbyterian minister. She graduated with a double
                     major in Religion and Physical Education from Macalester
                     College in the 1950s, paving the way for her future work
                     in wellbeing and fitness. Early on, she was diagnosed with
                     lupus, an experience that evolved into a lifelong desire
                     to teach and help others. Ruth was an avid student and
                     follower of Chinese philosophy, tai chi, and medicine,
                     and incorporated aspects of these practices into her
                     own teaching and lifestyle, believing wholeheartedly in
                     the integration and inseparability of the mind and body.
                     A pioneer in mind-body medicine, she founded The
                     Marsh in 1985, a holistic center that combines physical
                     fitness with mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. It
                     contained a cardiologist and an acupuncturist working
                     side by side, unheard of at the time.

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