Page 154 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
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most private collectors, who bought with their personal 在一段長達十年的時間裡,代頓伉儷幾乎每週都向明
preferences in mind, the Daytons always considered 尼亞波利斯美術館惠捐一件中國藝術精品。其中最為
the public audience. They consistently prioritized the 矚目的,是一件罕見的十七世紀黃花梨拼鐵梨木大型
museum’s need for high-quality, comprehensive, and 座屏,購自1996年9月19日紐約佳士得舉行的中國古
contextual collections above their own tastes, and 典家具博物館館藏拍賣會,成交價高達110萬美元,
selected artworks with the understanding that they 創下當時中國家具的拍賣紀錄。其他重要捐贈還包括
might become part of the Mia’s collection. 一張十八世紀寶座、一座東漢青銅天馬像、一尊南宋
Immensely generous, the Daytons added superb 木雕觀音像以及一件明初青花龍鳳紋梅瓶等。代頓伉
examples of Chinese art to the Mia collection almost 儷甚至資助購入並修繕復原了三座蘇式建築,包括廳
every week for a decade. Some notable purchases for 堂、書房各一間及園林一座,作為古典家具及文玩珍
the Institute include the rare and large 17th century 藏保存於美術館之內。代頓伉儷的慷慨饋贈幾乎見於
huanghuali and tielimu standing screen (zuopingfeng) 美術館的每個展廳,而其中最能體現其影響力的莫過
from the landmark auction of the Museum of Classical 於館中的十個中國藝術品展廳。
Chinese Furniture Collection, held on 19th September
1996 at Christie’s New York, which the Daytons acquired 布魯斯•代頓曾言:「我相信沒有人可以真正擁有一
for $1.1 million USD. At that time, it was the highest price 件藝術品,我們都只是暫時地保管,因此有責任展現
achieved at auction for any piece of Chinese furniture. 它最崇高或最優秀的價值。」代頓伉儷傾盡畢生,專
Other highlights include an 18th century imperial throne, 注公益慈善事業,對於藝術文化傳承貢獻卓巨,意承
a magnificent bronze figure of a celestial horse from the 古韻,宗法源心。
Eastern Han dynasty, a Southern Song dynasty wood
sculpture of Guanyin, and an early Ming dynasty blue and
white ‘dragon and phoenix’ meiping. The Daytons also
provided the funds to purchase and restore three late
Ming and early Qing dynasty structures around Lake Tai
in Suzhou: a reception hall, scholar’s library, and garden.
A rare and large 17th century Huanghuali and Tielimu standing screen (Zuopingfeng) from the landmark auction of the museum of classi- These architectural settings are now permanently installed
cal Chinese furniture collection, sold at Christie’s New York, 19th September 1996, now installed at the MIA. Photo by Cheryl Diaz Meyer/ at the Mia’s Asian galleries and provide an appropriate
Star Tribune via Getty Images context for the classical furniture and scholarly objects.
十七世紀 黃花梨拼鐵梨木座屏,中國古典家具博物館舊藏,售于紐約佳士得1996年9月19日,現展于明尼亞波利斯美術館,攝影 Cheryl Diaz Meyer/Star
Tribune via Getty Images While gifts from the Daytons can be found in nearly all of
the Mia’s galleries, their impact is perhaps most strongly
felt in the ten Chinese art galleries.
Ruth Stricker Dayton made holistic healing her life’s 司路德視身心整合療法為終身志業,其成就難以歷 Bruce Dayton once remarked, ‘I believe that one does not
work. Amongst her numerous accomplishments, she 數。前蘇聯健康部曾就慢性疾病向她請益;另外,她 really own a work of art, but merely has the temporary
was asked by the Ministry of Health in the former Soviet 曾贊助過一個 The Marsh 與麻省大學、哈佛大學、《 possession of it and, hence, has a responsibility to find its
Union to advise and teach on chronic health conditions, 今日心理學》及《美國健康》雜誌合作的正念療法研 highest or best use.’ Indeed, one would be hard pressed
she sponsored a research project on mindful exercise 究項目,亦是明尼蘇達大學 Earl E. Bakken 靈性及治 to find a higher or better collecting purpose than the
involving The Marsh, the University of Massachusetts, 療中心創辦人之一。她與丈夫一起資助了北京理工大 Daytons’ commitment to philanthropy, civic duty, and
Harvard University, Psychology Today and American 學一個為期三年的研究課題,專門探討太極與氣功之 reaching others through the power of art.
Health magazines, and she was one of the founders of 益處,以及二者對癌症患者康復的幫助。
the University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken Center for
Spirituality and Healing. Together with her husband, she 代頓伉儷到訪中國不下十次,自稱是「名副其實的中
funded a three-year project at the Beijing Institute of 國迷」。他們希望豐富明尼亞波利斯美術館的中國藝 “We have concentrated on the literati scholar, as he was central to so much
Technology that investigated the benefits of tai chi and 術品館藏,卻無意爭搶先前的捐贈者如比爾斯伯裡、 of Chinese history. We started with an admiration for his taste in furniture:
qigong and their impact on cancer recovery. 奧古斯都•瑟爾、理查德•蓋爾等的成就,因此決定
從零開始,著手建立館內的中國家具收藏。與羅伯 the simple beautiful lines, the interest in natural materials, and the superb
Bruce and Ruth Dayton visited China more than a dozen
times, and it was during these trips that they became, in 特•傑克布森博士合作時,他們受到家具原主人故事 craftsmanship, all of which created such an array of beautiful material. We
their words, ’confirmed Sinophiles.’ Wanting to develop 吸引,遂對文人藝術產生興趣,並開始購藏書畫、文 expanded into painting and calligraphy as they express the literati’s thoughts
the Mia’s Chinese holdings without competing with 玩、瓷器、早期漆器、佛教藝術品、西藏藝術品、古
previous donors like Pillsbury, Augustus Searle, and 代金屬器及書籍等。傑克布森博士形容代頓伉儷「尊 so well. Ceramics, lacquer, and literati items all led to an understanding of
Richard Gale, the couple started with building out the 重學術,充滿求知欲,是理想的捐贈者」。大部分私 these scholars who expanded their mind and talents after they had finished
museum’s Chinese furniture collection, which was then 人藏家通常以個人喜好為先,但是代頓伉儷總是把公
non-existent. As they progressed in their journey, working 眾放在首位。他們並不以自己的品味為尊,而是優先 government service.”
closely with Dr. Robert Jacobsen, they became intrigued 考慮美術館的藏品應質量精良、涵蓋面廣泛並具有代 –Ruth and Bruce Dayton, Appreciating China
by the original users of such furniture, leading them 表性,因此挑選藝術品時總是想著:或許有一天它們
to the field of literati art. Consequently, they pursued 會成為明尼亞波利斯美術館的館藏。 「我們專注研究文人文化,為其在中國社會歷史中的核心地位。他們對家具有著非凡
calligraphy, paintings, scholarly objects, ceramics, 的鑑賞力:簡練流暢的線條和天然木材、精湛工藝互相結合,創造出妙不可言的物
early lacquer, as well as Buddhist art, Tibetan art, early 件,讓我們讚歎有加。文人借書畫抒發胸臆,我們藉由收集鑒賞書畫,望與文人感
metalwork, cricket paraphernalia, and illustrated books.
Dr. Jacobsen described the Daytons as ’ideal donors, 同身受。瓷器、漆器和文房雅玩則讓我們一窺士大夫在朝堂外的心境,看他們如何
respectful of knowledge and always curious.’ Unlike 在遠離塵華時追求新奇事物,拓闊眼界和學識,怡養心志。」
——司路德與布魯斯•代頓,《Appreciating China》