Page 225 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 225

149                 151
                     A RARE BLUE AND WHITE ‘PHOENIX AND
 PROPERTY FROM A NEW YORK PRIVATE COLLECTION                   Blue and white vases of this type and size from the Wanli
                     CRANE’ VASE                               period appear to be particularly rare. There are, however,
 AN IRON-RED-GROUND UNDERGLAZE-BLUE                            a few Jiajing examples recorded. See, for example, one in
 ‘SCHOLAR’ STEMBOWL  MARK AND PERIOD OF WANLI                  the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete
 MING DYNASTY, WANLI PERIOD  well potted with the slightly compressed globular body rising   Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Blue and
                     from a splayed foot to a tall cylindrical neck originally flanked   White Porcelain with Underglazed Red (I), Hong Kong, 2000,
 the rounded sides supported on a tall straight foot and rising   by a pair of handles, painted in vibrant cobalt around the   pl. 89; and another sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1st June
 to an everted rim, the exterior painted in underglaze blue   exterior with alternating pairs of phoenix and cranes flying   2016, lot 3320. Compare a further Jiajing vase of the same
 with a continuous scene of scholars engaged in the ‘four   amidst cloud wisps, all between further cloud motifs and   form but with a dragon design, formerly in the collections
 accomplishments’, the gentlemen variously playing weiqi,   lappets encircling the foot and ‘trigram’ roundels and bands   of the Higuchi and Yamauchi families, sold in these rooms,
 admiring a painting, and reading poetry, the interior painted   of ruyi heads around the neck, the galleried rim inscribed   23rd March 2011, lot 723.
 with a scholar reading a book in a garden setting, all against   with a six-character mark in a horizontal line
 a vibrant coral-red enameled ground  Height 7¼ in., 18.4 cm   $ 10,000-15,000
 Diameter 5¾ in., 14.3 cm
 PROVENANCE                                                    明萬曆   青花雲鳳紋雙耳瓶
                     Acquired in New York in 1956, and thence by descent.
 China House of Arts, New York, 1980s.   The present vase belongs to a group of small blue and   《大明萬曆年製》款
 149                 white vases which derived from larger Yuan and early Ming
 $ 10,000-15,000                                               來源:
                     dynasty prototypes. For an example of a larger vase of   1956年得於紐約,此後家族傳承
                     related form made during the late Yuan dynasty, see Jessica
 明萬曆   礬紅地青花文會圖高足盌   Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics in the British Museum, London,
                     2001, pl. 1:42.
 China House of Arts,紐約,1980年代


 the center painted in shades of dark blue with an
 arrangement of varying blooms in an arched-handled basket,
 the cavetto with fans, leaves, pomegranate and waterweed
 all between double-line borders, the exterior with flowering
 boughs and insects, the base with a six-character mark in
 underglaze blue within a double circle
 Diameter 6⅝ in., 16.7 cm
 Sotheby’s New York, 29th November 1988, lot 182.

 $ 4,000-6,000
 明萬曆   青花花籃紋盤
 150  來源:

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