Page 229 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 229

Fig. 1 A fine blue and white ‘lotus’ vase, Mark and period of Xuande   Fig. 2 A rare and finely painted early Ming blue and white ovoid vase, Mark
 © The collection of National Palace Museum, Taipei  and period of Xuande, Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 27th April 1993, lot 37
 圖一 明宣德 青花轉枝番蓮紋瓶 © 國立故宮博物院藏品,台北  圖二 明宣德 纏枝蓮紋瓶 《大明宣德年製》款 香港蘇富比1993年4月27

 This vase is extremely rare both in form and design. Only   on 27th May 2009, lot 1802; the other vase sold at Christie’s
 two other examples appear to be recorded, both inscribed   Hong Kong, 17th January 1989, lot 572, and later in our
 with a Xuande (r. 1426-35) reign mark. One is preserved   London rooms, 18th November 1998, lot 865.
 in the National Palace Museum, Taipei (acc. no. 故-  John D. “Jay” Rockefeller IV (b. 1937) is the great-
 瓷-012450-N000000000), illustrated in Porcelain of the   grandson of Standard Oil billionaire, John D. Rockefeller,
 National Palace Museum: Blue-and-white Ware of the Ming   Sr. (1839-1937), and is the fourth generation in his family
 Dynasty, Book II, Part 1, Hong Kong, 1963, pls 2 and 2a,   to maintain an interest in Asia and a collection of Chinese
 included in the Museum’s Special Exhibition of Selected   art. Rockefeller, Sr. sold kerosene to China and supported
 Hsüan-te Imperial Porcelains of the Ming Dynasty, Taipei,   medical missions in the country, including the establishment
 1998, cat. no. 16 (fig. 1). The other was sold in our Hong   of a new medical school. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-
 Kong rooms, 27th April 1993, lot 37 (fig. 2), later entering   1960) was the first in the family to form a serious collection
 into the collection of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe   of Chinese works of art, which was principally focused on
 Hamburg, Hamburg, illustrated in Nora von Achenbach,   Qing dynasty porcelains, and eventually donated to the
 Chinesische Kunst im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Jay’s father, John
 Hamburg / Chinese art in the Museum für Kunst und   D. Rockefeller 3rd, continued the family legacy by amassing
 Gewerbe Hamburg, Hamburg, 2012, no. 45.  an important collection of imperial Song, Yuan, and Ming
 The unusual shape of these vases is illustrated in Geng   dynasty works of art and gave the collection to the Asia
 Baochang, Ming Qing ciqi jianding / Appraisal of Ming and   Society, of which he was a founding member.
 Qing Porcelains, Hong Kong, 1993, p. 47, fig. 82, no. 15,   Jay Rockefeller graduated from Harvard University in
 where it is described as meiping shi guan (‘meiping-style   1961 with a Bachelor of Arts in Far Eastern Languages and
 jar’). Representing a variation on the classic meiping shape,   History. In 1964, he moved to West Virginia as a VISTA
 vessels of this form have a wide neck but no mouth rim and   volunteer, where he worked with the impoverished small
 are extremely rare among Xuande wares.   mining community of Emmons. His abiding interest in
 The scroll of stylized lotus, with pomegranate centers and   improving the welfare of others led him to a career as a
 long stems issuing from the flowers, appears to be specific   Democrat politician. Among his distinguished roles, he
 to the Xuande period and is illustrated in a line drawing   served as the West Virginia Secretary of State (1968-1973),
 ibid., p. 60, fig. 107, no. 5. The design of pendent leaves at   President of West Virginia Wesleyan College (1973–1975),
 the shoulder and upright ones encircling the foot is also   Governor of West Virginia (1977-1985), and then as a
 uncommon during this period, as this type of border is more   United States Senator of West Virginia (1985-2015). His
 often seen on Chenghua (r. 1465-87) porcelains. Compare   achievements include the landmark Children’s Health
 two Xuande mark and period vases with a similar design:   Insurance Program (CHIP), which he co-authored and which
 one of meiping form that was included in the exhibition The   provides approximately 6 million low-income children with
 Exquisite Chinese Artifacts: Collection of Ching Wan Society,   health insurance annually; the Cybersecurity Act of 2009;
 National Museum of History, Taipei, 1995, cat. no. 95, sold at   and programs that promote STEM education, and help all
 Christie’s Hong Kong, 20th March 1990, lot 522, and again   schools and libraries to connect to the Internet.

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