Page 74 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 74
LITERATURE 出版: This remarkable ding belongs to a highly important group of 本品仲義父作新客鼎,青銅之重器,歷史價值非凡。
Duan Fang, Taozhai jijinlu [Catalogue of bronzes from the 端方,《陶齋吉金錄》,卷1,1908年,頁30 archaic bronze vessels excavated from a Western Zhou dynasty 此鼎身世極為顯赫,光緒年間出土於陝西省扶風縣法
Taozhai collection], vol. 1, 1908, p. 30. 鄒安,《周金文存》,卷2,1916年,頁49 (c. 1045-771 BC) hoard at the Ren village, Famen town, Fufeng 門鎮任家村西周青銅器窖藏,時同窖出者還有舉世聞
Zou An, Zhou jinwen cun [Surviving bronze inscriptions of the 大村西崖,《獲古圖錄》,卷1,大阪,1923年,編 county, Shaanxi province during the Guangxu period (1875- 名的大克鼎(圖一)。大克鼎曾為晚清重臣、收藏大
Zhou dynasty], vol. 2, 1916, p. 49. 號1 1908). Among the group is the world famous Da Ke ding (fig. 1), 家潘祖蔭舊藏,現為上海博物館鎮館之寶,與大盂鼎
Seigai Ōmura, Kakuko zuroku [Catalogue of acquiring formerly in the collection of Pan Zuyin (1830-1890) and now
ancient art], vol. 1, Osaka, 1923, cat. no. 1. 大村西崖,《支那古美術図譜》,卷1,大阪,1932 one of the most important treasures in the Shanghai Museum. (現藏北京中國國家博物館)、毛公鼎(現藏台北國
Seigai Ōmura, Shina kobijutsu zufu [Illustrations of ancient 年,編號1 The Da Ke ding, Da Yu ding (National Museum of China, 立故宮博物院)合譽為「海內青銅器三寶」。近期大
Chinese art], vol. 1, Osaka, 1932, cat. no. 1. 劉體智,《小校經閣金文拓本》,卷2,1935年,頁 Beijing), and Mao Gong ding (National Palace Museum, Taipei) 克鼎與大盂鼎在闊別十七載後在上海博物館同時展
Liu Tizhi, Xiaojiaojingge jinwen taben [Rubbings of archaic 72 are together regarded as the ‘Three Treasures of China’. The Da 於《鼎盛千秋:上海博物館受贈青銅鼎特展》,上
bronze inscriptions in the Xiaojiaojingge], vol. 2, 1935, p. 72. 羅振玉,《三代吉金文存》,卷3,1937年,頁39 Ke ding and Da Yu ding were recently exhibited together for the 海,2021年。
Luo Zhenyu, Sandai jijin wencun [Surviving writings from the first time in 17 years at the Shanghai Museum in the exhibition
Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties], vol. 3, 1937, p. 39. 陳夢家,《美帝國主義劫掠的我國殷周銅器集錄》, The Perpetual Prosperity: Special Exhibition of Donated Ding
Chen Mengjia, Meidiguozhuyi jielue de woguo Yin Zhou 北京,1962年,編號A89及R415 Vessels to the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, 2021. 據羅振玉《貞松堂集古遺文》中記載(1930年,卷3
tongqi jilu [Compilation of Yin and Zhou archaic bronzes in 巴納及張光裕,《中日歐美澳紐所見所拓所摹金文彙 Luo Zhenyu recorded in his book (1930, vol. 3, p. 35) ,頁35):「予近以詢廠估趙信臣,言此器實出岐山
America], Beijing, 1962, nos A89 and R415. 編》,台北,1978年,編號335 that according to Zhao Xinchen, an antique dealer from 縣法門寺之任村任姓家……趙君嘗為潘文勤公親至任
Noel Barnard and Cheung Kwong-Yue, Rubbings and 周法高,《三代吉金文存補》,台北,1980年,編 Liulichang, Beijing, around 120 bronze vessels were 村購諸器,言當時出土凡百二十餘器,克鐘、克鼎及
Hand Copies of Bronze Inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese, excavated from a hoard at the Ren village in the 16th year of 中[仲]義父鼎均出一窖中。於時則光緒十六年也」。
European, American and Australasian Collections, Taipei, 號415 Guangxu (1890), including sets of Zhong Yi Fu ding, Ke ding
1978, no. 335. 嚴一萍,《金文總集》,台北,1983年,編號1083 and Ke zhong. More recent research findings (see Zhou Ya, 近年研究表明此組青銅器應於光緒十五年已經出土
Zhou Fagao, Sandai jijin wencun bu [Supplements of 林巳奈夫,《殷周時代青銅器の研究:殷周青銅器綜 2017, pp 307 and 308) have suggested that this group of (詳見周亞,2017年,頁307及308)。上世紀七十年
surviving writings from the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties], 覽》,卷1,東京,1984年,鼎308 bronzes was already excavated by the 15th year of Guangxu 代,羅西章曾兩次前往任家村進行調查,據村中老者
Taipei, 1980, no. 415. 吳鎮烽,《陝西金文彙編》,卷2,西安,1989年, (1889). In the 1970s, Luo Xizhang interviewed Ren Dengxiao 任登肖確認,此窖青銅器正是被其祖父任致遠在村東
Yan Yiping, Jinwen Zongji, [Corpus of Bronze Inscriptions], from the Ren village, who confirmed that this Western Zhou 南土壕掘土時所發現(見羅西章,1993年,頁57)。
Taipei, 1983, no. 1083. 編號57 hoard was discovered by his grandfather, Ren Zhiyuan (see
Minao Hayashi, In Shū Jidai seidōki no kenkyū. In Shū 羅西章編,《扶風縣文物志》,西安,1993年,頁57 Luo Xizhang, 1993, p. 57).
seidōki souran [Research of bronze ware of Shang and Zhou (無圖) The most important discoveries from the Ren village hoard 從目前相關資料看,任家村西周窖藏當時出土青銅
dynasty], vol. 1, Tokyo, 1984, ding, no. 308. 中國社會科學院考古研究所編,《殷周金文集成釋 are the ‘Ke’ vessels, including the famous Da Ke ding and 器主要有兩組最為重要。一組為「克」器,以大克
Wu Zhenfeng, Shaanxi jinwen huibian [Corpus of bronze 文》,卷2,香港,2001年,編號2544 Xiao Ke ding, and the ‘Zhong Yi Fu’ vessels, which include 鼎及小克鼎最為出名。另一組即「仲義父」器,其
inscriptions from Shaanxi), vol. 2, Xi’an, 1989, no. 57. 陳夢家,《西周銅器斷代》,上冊,北京,2004年, two sets of ding, each comprising five vessels of the same 中包括仲義父鼎兩套各五件,器形紋飾皆同(見張
Luo Xizhang, ed., Fufengxian wenwu zhi [Records of the form (see Zhang Tianen, 2016, nos 362-371). The present 天恩,2016年,編號362至371)。本鼎及另外四件一
cultural relics in the Fufeng county], Xi’an, 1993, p. 57 頁248(無圖) ding and four other vessels are inscribed with a seventeen-
(unillustrated). 中國社會科學院考古研究所編,《殷周金文集成》, character inscription. The other set of five ding are each 套,同見三行十七字銘文(含重文二)。另一套五鼎
The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social 北京,2007年,編號02544 inscribed with a shorter version of six characters. Both sets 同見一行六字銘。兩組十件仲義父鼎出土後即散於各
Sciences, ed., Yinzhou jinwen jicheng shiwen [Interpretations 霍彥儒及辛怡華編,《商周金文編——寶雞出土青銅 of Zhong Yi Fu ding were dispersed and are now mostly 地,今時大多為重要博物館館藏:五件為上海博物館
of the compendium of Yin and Zhou bronze inscriptions], vol. 器銘文集成》,西安,2009年,編號175 preserved in major museums in China: five are in the 收藏,三件為北京故宮博物院收藏。另有一件至今下
2, Hong Kong, 2001, no. 2544. Shanghai Museum and three are in the Palace Museum, 落不明。仲義父組青銅器除鼎器外,另知包括仲義父
Chen Mengjia, Xizhou tongqi duandai [Attribution of Western 吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,卷4,上 Beijing. The whereabouts of one ding are unknown. In
Zhou bronzes], vol. 1, Beijing, 2004, p. 248 (unillustrated). 海,2012年,編號02116 addition to the two ding sets, other vessels from the ‘Zhong 盨一式兩件,現亦不知下落,以及仲義父 一式兩
The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social 陳夢家,《美國所藏中國銅器集錄》,上卷,北 Yi Fu’ group include two xu, whose locations are unknown, 件,現同藏於上海博物館。本品鼎為目前市場上唯一
Sciences, ed., Yinzhou jinwen jicheng [Compendium of Yin 京,2016年,編號A89 and two ling, which are also in the collection of the Shanghai 一件可流通的仲義父器,價值無量,彌足珍貴。
and Zhou bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2007, no. 02544. 張天恩編,《陝西金文集成》,卷4,西安,2016 Museum. The present ding is currently the only ‘Zhong Yi Fu’
Huo Yanru and Xin Yihua, ed., Shangzhou jinwenbian - Baoji vessel available in private hands. 本鼎銘文記「仲義父作新客寶鼎 其子子孫孫永寶用
chutu qingtongqi mingwen jicheng [Compilation of Shang and 年,編號0370 華」。由此可斷,此器器主為「仲義父」。「新客」
Zhou bronze inscriptions - compendium of the inscriptions 韋心瀅,〈克之家族結構與相關問題研究〉,《青 The seventeen-character inscription on the present ding
on the bronzes excavated in Baoji], Xi’an, 2009, no. 175. 銅器與金文(第二輯)》,上海,2019年,頁127, may be translated as ‘Zhong Yi Fu made this precious vessel 二字可見韋心瀅博士之研究。韋氏論述「新」作「
Wu Zhenfeng, Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen ji tuxiang 圖10 for xinke, for the eternal use of sons and grandsons, Hua’. 親」,客者,鄉黨僚友之屬,故「新客」可釋作「親
jicheng [Compendium of inscriptions and images of bronzes 金立言編,《山中商會經手中國藝術品資料彙編》, According to Wei Xinying (2019, p. 130), xinke (new guests) 客」,由此見仲義父作新客鼎應為宴饗親近族人及僚
from the Shang and Zhou dynasties], vol. 4, Shanghai, 2012, 上海,2020年,頁41(無圖) can be interpreted as qinke (close guests), which suggests 屬之用(2019年,頁130)。銘文末字為「華」,屬
no. 02116. this vessel was likely made by Zhong Yi Fu to host banquets 族徽,表仲義父之隸屬,其宗氏為華。仲義父之名完
Chen Mengjia, Meiguo suocang Zhongguo tongqi jilu for close members of the clan or associated officials. The
[Catalogue of Chinese bronzes in American collections], vol. last character Hua is a clan symbol, which indicates that 全符合西周貴族男子的取名習慣。以三字為全稱,第
1, Beijing, 2016, no. A89. Zhong Yi Fu belonged to the Hua clan. Zhong Yi Fu’s name 一字為行輩之稱,如伯、仲、叔、季之類,第二字為
Zhang Tianen, ed., Shaanxi jinwen jicheng [Compendium of follows closely the male naming tradition of a Western Zhou 與「名」相連之「字」,末字則為「父」字(詳見楊
bronze inscriptions in Shaanxi], vol. 4, Xi’an, 2016, no. 0370. aristocrat, which usually consists of three characters. The 寬,2003年,頁438)。
Wei Xinying, ‘Kezhijiazu jiegou yu xiangguan wentiyanjiu first character identifies the seniority within the family,
[Study of the family structure of Ke and the related followed by the zi of the person and ending with the fu 關於仲義父的身份,學術界多有討論。「仲義父」器
questions]’, Qingtongqi yu jinwen [Archaic bronzes and character (see Yang Kuan, 2003, p. 438).
bronze inscriptions], vol. 2, Shanghai, 2019, p. 127, fig. 10. The identity of Zhong Yi Fu has long been a research topic 與「克」器同出一窖,其器主仲義父及克彼此的聯繫
Jin Liyan, ed., A Compilation of Chinese Works of Art through for scholars. Since the ‘Zhong Yi Fu’ vessels came from 自然顯而易見。柯昌濟認為仲義父即為克(1935年,
the Dealings of Yamanaka & Co., Ltd., Shanghai, 2020, p. 41 the same hoard as the ‘Ke’ vessels, their connection is 頁10)。李學勤同持此觀點(2014年,頁195)。另
(unillustrated). apparent. Ke Changji has suggested that Zhong Yi Fu is in 外,李氏在其文章中談及(1999年,頁154),仲義
fact Ke (1935, p. 10), a view also shared by Li Xueqin (2014, 父器銘尾見「華」字,表明其為華氏,應由先祖師華
p.195). Li explains in one of his articles (1999, p. 154) that
the clan name (Hua) of Zhong Yi Fu should have originated 父得氏(據大克鼎銘記,師華父即為克之先祖)。關
from Shi Hua Fu, a name recorded in the inscription of the 於仲義父及克的聯繫,韋心瀅博士近年曾做過深入討
Da Ke ding as an ancestor of Ke. The relationship between 論。韋氏通過研究任村及附近出土的帶銘青銅組器,
Zhong Yi Fu and Ke has recently been researched in detail by 定位出了克直系五代的世系,並且得出結論克又稱仲
Wei Xinying. Upon studying all the related inscribed bronze 義父,仲為輩份,義父為其字(2019年,頁129)。
sets excavated at the Ren village and nearby areas, Wei has
been able to identify five generations of Ke’s direct family
members and reach the conclusion that Ke’s other name is
Zhong Yi Fu, with Zhong indicating his seniority in the family
and Yi Fu being his zi (2019, p. 129).