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Ke came from a prominent aristocratic family in the Western           The present ding has had an incredible journey following   克出身西周貴族官宦世家。據韋博士之研究,克的曾
                                                                           Zhou dynasty. According to the research by Wei Xinying,               its initial discovery over 130 years ago. It first entered   祖為師華父,又稱釐季,曾於周王朝擔任師職,並能
                                                                           Ke’s great grandfather, Shi Hua Fu, also known as Li Ji, held         the collection of Duan Fang (1861-1911), one of the most   出納王命。出納王命即為傳達王之聖命,擔任者必是
                                                                           the high official position of shi (marshal) at the Zhou court.        important political figures of the late Qing dynasty and a
                                                                           He humbly served the Zhou king and was empowered to                   major collector of archaic bronzes. After Duan’s death, the   周王最為信賴之近臣或親信。克的祖父及父親分別為
                                                                           relay the king’s royal orders, a privilege strictly reserved          ding was acquired by Yamanaka & Co. and was included   考伯及後仲,二人曾應亦在王朝任師職。克承其先祖
                                                                           for the king’s most trusted personnel. Ke’s grandfather               in the company’s 1923 exhibition in Osaka, Japan. It later   之功績,先於周王朝擔任師職,後任膳夫職,掌王之
                                                                           and father were Kao Bo and Hou Zhong, respectively, both              entered the collection of the art dealer Jan W.A. Kleijkamp,   飲食膳羞,並且也被賦予了出納王命的權利,由此足
                                                                           of whom likely also served as the shi of the kingdom. Ke’s            whose inventory was purchased by the New York art dealer   見克當時地位顯赫,為周王的親信近臣(2019年,頁
                                                                           official career greatly benefited from the contributions of his       Harold G. Wacker. When Chen Mengjia traveled to North
                                                                           ancestors. He first served as the shi and later was appointed         America as a visiting scholar in the 1940s, he visited Wacker   118至126及143)。
                                                                           to the position of shanfu in charge of the king’s meals at the        in New York and selected a group of 30 bronzes, including
                                                                           royal court. Like his great grandfather, Ke was also granted          the present ding, for his book. The inscription on this vessel   關於克所生活的年代,學術界眾說紛紜。馬承源主張
                                                                           the responsibility of relaying the king’s orders, which clearly       has also been extensively published by major scholars and   克為西周孝王時人(1988年,頁217)。陳佩芬沿用
                                                                           indicates his prestigious status within the central Zhou              collectors since the late Qing dynasty.   此說(2004年,頁242)。陳夢家傾向於克為夷王時
                                                                           government (2019, pp 118-126 and 143).
                                                                                                                                                 LITERATURE                                人(2004年,頁263)。郭沫若則認為克生活於夷王
                                                                           There has been much debate about the period during                    Chen Peifen, Xia Shang Zhou qingtongqi yanjiu [Study of archaic   及厲王兩世(1935年,頁111b)。唐蘭持厲王宣王說
                                                                           which Ke lived in the Western Zhou dynasty. Ma Chengyuan              bronzes from Shang, Shang and Zhou dynasties], Shanghai, 2004.    (1985年,頁124)。周亞在其文章中逐一分析了孝
                                                                           believes Ke was from the time of King Xiao (1988, p. 217). His        Chen Mengjia, Xi Zhou tongqi duandai [Dating of Western
                                                                           opinion is supported by Chen Peifen (2004, p. 242). Chen              Zhou dynasty bronzes], Beijing, 2004.     王說及夷王說的薄弱之處,並表明自己贊同厲王說,
                                                                           Mengjia, on the other hand, argues that Ke lived during the           Guo Moruo, Liang Zhou jinwenci daxi kaoshi [Study of the bronze   但同時也意識到目前的一些斷代難度問題(2017年,
                                                                           period of King Yi (2004, p. 263). Guo Moruo proposes that             inscriptions of the Western and Eastern Zhou], vol. 2, 1935.    頁309至315)。針對此一課題近年韋心瀅博士曾有過
                                                                           Ke lived during both the periods of King Yi and King Li (1935,        Ke Changji, Jinwen fenyubian [Geographical study of bronze   深入研究。韋博士在文章中通過青銅器器型學及紋樣
                                                                           p. 111b.). Tang Lan suggests that Ke’s life coincided with the        inscriptions], 1935.                      學對比,並輔以金文歷譜檢視帶有四要素俱全的克
                                                                           reigns of King Li and King Xuan (1985, p. 124). In his article,       Li Xueqin, ‘Lun Keqi de qufen [Discussion on the
                                                                           Zhou Ya challenges both the ‘King Xiao’ and ‘King Yi’ theories        differentiation of Ke vessels], Xia Shang Zhou niandaixue   器銘文,最終得出結論,克當為西周宣王時人(2019
                                                                           and concludes that he agrees more with the ‘King Li’ theory           zhaiji [Notes on the chronology of Xia, Shang and Zhou   年,頁118至121及143)。
                                                                           while acknowledging its limitations (2017, pp 309-315).               dynasties], Shenyang, 1999.
                                                                           The most recent research on this topic is by Wei Xinying.             Li Xueqin, ‘Qingtongqi yu Zhouyuan yizhi [Archaic bronzes   本鼎的來源著錄極佳,傳承有序,尤為難得。自出
                                                                           Wei analyzes in detail both the decoration and form of the            and the archeological site of Zhouyuan]’, Xinchu qingtongqi   土逾一百三十年間以其獨特的視角見證著近代金石
                                                                           vessels from the ‘Ke’ set, and further examines the cyclical          yanjiu [Study of recently discovered bronzes], Beijing, 2014.    史上的風雲沉浮。此鼎初為端方收藏。端方為清末重
                                                                           information from the inscriptions on the related ‘Ke’ vessels.        Luo Xizhang, ed., Fufengxian wenwu zhi [Records of the
                                                                           In conclusion, Wei suggests that Ke was from the period of            cultural relics in the Fufeng county], Xi’an, 1993.    要政治家,同時也是著名的金石學家以及青銅器收藏
                                                                           King Xuan (2019, pp 118-121 and 143).                                 Luo Zhenyu, Zhensongtang jigu yiwen [Gathering of ancient   大家。端方去世後,此鼎繼由山中商會購得,並且錄
                                                                                                                                                 writings in the Zhensongtang], 1930.      於其1923年在日本大阪舉辦的展覽《古代中國美術展
                                                                                                                                                 Ma Chengyuan, Shang Zhou qingtongqi mingwenxuan [Selection of   觀》。此後,此鼎輾轉至藝術商人傑•利開普處,後
                                                                                                                                                 Shang and Zhou dynasty bronze inscriptions], vol. 3, Beijing, 1988.    其庫存被紐約藝術商人魏格收購。上世紀四十年代,
                                                                                                                                                 Tang Lan, ‘Guanyu dakezhong [About Da Ke Zhong]’,   陳夢家訪美進行學術研究,至紐約時從魏格處選取了
                                                                                                                                                 Chutuwenxian yanjiu [Research on excavated classics],   三十件青銅器錄入其著作,當中即包括本鼎。除顯赫
                                                                                                                                                 Beijing, 1985, pp 121-125.
                                                                                                                                                 Wei Xinying, ‘Kezhijiazu jiegou yu xiangguan wentiyanjiu [Study   的來源以外,本鼎的銘文自清末起即被各大金石學著
                                                                                                                                                 of the family structure of Ke and the related questions]’,   作所收錄,著錄極多,足見其在青銅器收藏及研究領
                                                                                                                                                 Qingtongqi yu jinwen [Archaic bronzes and bronze inscriptions],   域的重要地位。
                                                                                                                                                 vol. 2, Shanghai, 2019, pp 118-143.
                                                                                                                                                 Yang Kuan, Xi Zhou shi [History of the Western Zhou dynasty],   參考書籍
                                                                                                                                                 Shanghai, 2003.
                                                                                                                                                 Zhang Tianen, ed., Shaanxi jinwen jicheng [Compendium of   陳佩芬,《夏商周青銅器研究》,上海,2004年
                                                                                                                                                 bronze inscriptions in Shaanxi], Xi’an, 2016.    陳夢家,《西周銅器斷代》,北京,2004年
                                                                                                                                                 Zhou Ya, ‘Guanyu Da Ke ding de jige wenti [A few questions   郭沫若,《兩周金文辭大系圖錄考釋》,卷2,1935
                                                                                                                                                 about the Da Ke ding]’, Qingtongqi yu jinwen [Archaic   年
                                                                                                                                                 bronzes and bronze inscriptions], vol. 1, Shanghai, 2017, pp
                                                                                                                                                 306-322.                                  柯昌濟,《金文分域編》,1935年
                                            Fig. 1  Da Ke ding and rubbing of its inscription © Shanghai Museum, Shanghai                                                                  張天恩編,《陝西金文集成》西安,2016年
                                            圖一 大克鼎及其銘文拓片 © 上海博物館,上海                                                                                                                        周亞,〈關於大克鼎的幾個問題〉,《青銅器與金
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