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Shang dynasty bronze inscriptions longer than three or four                                                              Liu Huan, pp 3-4). The name Quanrong is well known from   處,編號6812正),意為商王命令多子族與犬侯攻打
                        characters are extremely rare. This exceptional ding vessel is                                                           the famous story of King You of the Western Zhou dynasty   周方,由此可見此時犬族已經歸順商王朝,並成為了
                        cast with a six-character inscription reading Quan zuxin zugui                                                           ordering beacon towers lit and panicking the nobles simply   商王朝的一支重要軍事力量,其首領即為犬侯。再見
                        Xiang, written in a vigorous manner that exudes the beauty                                                               to make his concubine Baosi laugh. According to ‘Zhou Benji’
                        of the ancient pictographic characters. The present vessel is                                                            [Annals of Zhou] in Shiji [Record of the Historian], ‘King   卜辭「辛酉貞:犬受年。」(上述出處,編號9793及
                        most remarkable, however, for the content of its inscription.                                                            You elevated Guo Shifu to the post of minister … causing   9794),意為貞問犬地莊家的收成情況,可見其亦有
                        The inscription identifies that Quan was the person who                                                                  grievance throughout the populace … King You also demoted   農耕生產 (詳見劉桓,頁1至2)。
                        commissioned the vessel, and zuxin and zugui were the                                                                    Shen Hou (Queen Shen)… Shen Hou (Marquis Shen),
                        ancestors to whom ritual offerings were made. The last                                                                   incensed, aligned with the state of Zeng and the western   關於犬地之所在目前學術界多有討論,但至今尚未有
                        character, xiang, should be a clan emblem, which can also                                                                Quanrong to attack King You. King You had beacons lit to   定論。嚴志斌曾在其文中列舉各家學說(嚴志斌,頁
                        be seen on other Shang bronzes. The quan (dog) character                                                                 summon his troops, but the troops did not come. Shen Hou
                        on Shang dynasty bronzes may refer to the title of an official                                                           then killed King You on the foothills of Mount Li.’ This battle   297至298),目前一部分學者認為犬地當位於商王朝
                        responsible for organizing hunts, who also participated in                                                               resulted directly in the fall of the Western Zhou dynasty,   之西,具體在今陝西、山西一帶,持此說者見胡厚
                        warfare (see Chen Mengjia, p. 514); it may also be the name                                                              signifying the importance of the Quanrong and the Quan clan   宣、陳夢家等;另也有學者如陳方全、余太山等認為
                        of a clan, in which case the owner the present ding would                                                                in Chinese history.                       犬族最早居地在商之東,有學者認為其地位於今山東
                        have belonged to the Quan clan, with its related clan being                                                              Aside from the importance of its inscription, the present   省,亦有學者認為應在山東與河南、江蘇交界一帶,
                        Xiang (see Yan Zhibin, p. 296).                                                                                          ding is notable also for its unusual combination of decorative   後犬族向西遷徙,最終定居在了殷西一帶。
                        Ding are among the most significant ritual vessels associated                                                            motifs. The primary motifs are large taotie masks, and
                        with authority and supremacy. Owners of ding were of elite                                                               the neck of the vessel features serpent and whorl flame
                        social status, such as high officials or clan leaders. Late                                                              patterns. Such a combination is extremely rare, although   楊樹達先生認為犬族即為昆夷或混夷,又作畎夷或犬
                        Shang dynasty oracle bone inscriptions record a person                                                                   a very similar vessel with the same decorative elements   戎(楊樹達,頁62)。劉桓先生同持此觀點,並加以
                        named Quan Hou, who was an important noble of the period.                                                                is known. See a bronze ding originally in the Qing imperial   論證犬戎亦名玁狁(劉桓,頁3至4)。犬戎之名因西
                        Quan Hou was likely a senior military leader who had served                                                              collection, included in Xiqing Gujian [Xiqing catalogue of   周幽王為博褒姒一笑烽火戲諸侯的典故深被人們所
                        in the Shang king’s conquest of the enemy tribes. Ding Shan                                                              ancient bronzes] (fig. 1), and later entered the collection of   熟知,《史記•周本紀》中記:「幽王以虢石父為
                        suggests that Quan Hou was the houya, a minister of the                                                                  Wu Dacheng (1835-1902), who transcribed its inscription in
                        Shang inner court (see Ding Shan, p. 116). Yan Zhibing has                                                               his Kezhai jigu lu [Kezhai’s compendium of ancient bronzes]   卿……國人皆怨……又廢申后……申侯怒,與繒、西
                        further proposed that Quan Hou was in fact the leader of the                                                             and reproduced a full-figured rubbing of it in his Kezhai jigu   夷犬戎攻幽王。幽王舉烽火徵兵,兵莫至。遂殺幽王
                        Quan clan (op. cit., p. 116).                                                                                            tu [Kezhai’s illustrations of ancient bronzes], published in   驪山下……」。此戰的結果直接導致了西周王朝的覆
                                                                  Fig. 1 An archaic bronze ritual food vessel (ding), illustrated in
                        In his series of studies of oracle bones, Liu Huan has   Xiqing gujian, vol. 1, 1755, p. 28                              Zhou Ya, ed., Kezhai jigulu jianzhu [Annotated edition of   滅,可見犬戎乃至犬族在中國歷史上的重要意義。
                        reconstructed the lineage of the Quan clan. Initially, the   圖一 青銅鼎 錄於《西清古鑑》,卷1,1755,頁28                                 Kezhai’s illustrations of ancient bronzes], Shanghai, 2012,
                        Quan clan was an enemy of the Shang state, as documented                                                                 p. 54. Other comparable vessels usually feature the more   此鼎除銘文極為重要之外,紋飾組合也尤為特殊。本
                        in an oracle bone inscription reading Jiyou bu, zhen: Que                                                                generic dragon patterns on the neck, such as one example   鼎主題紋飾為大獸面紋,頸部輔以蛇紋、火旋紋,此
                        wang zheng Quan, which clearly records that the Shang                                                                    excavated from a Shang tomb in Luoshan county, Henan, in   類紋飾組合極其罕見,故倍加稀珍。可參考一極近
                        kingdom sent Que to attack Quan (see Guo Moruo, no.   本鼎器形雄渾莊重,紋飾遒勁剛毅,鑄銘文兩行六字                                            1980 and published in Wu Zhenfeng, Shang Zhou qingtongqi
                        6979). In another oracle bone inscription, reading Zhen:   「犬  祖辛祖癸  享」,筆法粗曠有力,有一種象形文                                    mingwen ji tuxiang jicheng [Compendium of inscriptions   鼎例,清宮舊藏,收錄於《西清古鑑》(圖一),
                        wei bei Quan pu, the diviner inquired about punishing the   字之美,古韻悠然。商代帶銘青銅器多為單名、族徽                                      and images of bronzes from Shang and Zhou dynasties],   後入吳大澂收藏,銘文拓本見《愙齋集古錄》,全
                        slaves of the Quan clan (ibid., no. 565). See also the oracle   或祖先祭名,超過三或四字的實屬鳳毛麟角,稀罕至                                  vol. 2, Shanghai, 2012, no. 00884. Another example, in   形拓見《愙齋集古圖》,載周亞編,《《愙齋集古
                        bone inscription reading Yimao bu, yun, zhen: Ling Duozizu   珍。然而此器最為重要之處在於其銘文內容。此鼎銘                                     the collection of the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas   圖》箋注》,上海,2012年,頁54。其他近似鼎例頸
                        bi Quanhou kou Zhou, Yewang shi, which records that   中的「犬」字,表作器者,「祖辛」及「祖癸」則為                                            City, is published in Robert Bagley, Shang Ritual Bronzes   部多見飾龍紋者,如見一例,1980年河南羅山縣商墓
                        the Shang king ordered the Douzi clan and Quan Hou to                                                                    in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, Washington, D.C.,
                        attack the Zhou tribe (ibid., no. 6812). By the time this last   作器者所祭之祖先,全銘最後的「享」字,按金文格                                 1984, p. 466, fig. 86.1. A third example, in the collection of   出土,載吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,
                        oracle bone was produced, the Quan clan had submitted   式屬族徽,相同族徽銘亦可見於其他商代青銅器之                                           the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, U.K., is published in   卷2,上海,2012年,編號00884;亦見一例,藏納爾
                        to the Shang dynasty and become one of its major military   上。商代青銅器銘「犬」者,或為官名,屬田獵之                                       The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social   遜-阿特金斯藝術博物館,堪薩斯城,錄於羅伯特•
                        forces, with Quan Hou as its leader. In a further oracle bone   官,亦參加征伐之事(見陳夢家,頁514),或為族                                 Sciences, ed., Yin Zhou jinwen jicheng [Compendium of Yin   貝格利,《Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler
                        inscription, reading Xinyou zhen: Quan shou nian, the diviner   氏名,意犬族,本鼎之「犬」若為族氏名,「享」則                                  and Zhou bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2007, no. 01085.  Collections》,華盛頓,  1987年,頁466,圖86.1;另
                        asked about the harvest in Quan lands, which indicates                                                                   LITERATURE
                        that the Quan clan was also responsible for agricultural   為其複合族氏(詳見嚴志斌,頁297)。                                           Chen Mengjia, Yinxu buci zongshu [A Survey of Divinatory   見一例,藏劍橋菲斯威廉博物館,刊中國社會科學院
                        production, in addition to their military duty (see ibid., nos                                                           Inscriptions from Yinxu], Beijing, 1956.    考古研究所編,《殷周金文集成》,北京,2007年,
                        9793 and 9794; for additional details, see Liu Huan, pp 1-2).  商朝時青銅鼎器絕非常人可以擁有,其主人必定社                                    Ding Shan, Jiaguwen suo jian shizu ji qi zhidao [Noble clans   編號01085。
                        The territory of the Quan clan is a subject of much scholarly   會地位顯赫,如高級官員或族氏首領等。通過商代                                   mentioned in Oracle Bone inscriptions and the nobility
                        debate and remains an open question. Yan Zhibin has   末期的甲骨卜辭可知當時有名犬侯者,應是一位重                                             system], Beijing, 1988.                   參考書籍
                        summarized the various theories (see Yan Zhibin, pp 297-  要的軍事首領,曾經作為主力幫助商王征戰外敵方                                         Guo Moruo, ed., Jiaguwen heji [Compendium of Oracle Bone
                        298). Some scholars, including Hu Houxuan and Chen   國。丁山先生認為犬侯為商朝內服的侯亞(丁山,                                              inscriptions], Beijing, 1999.             陳夢家,《殷墟卜辭綜述》,北京, 1956年
                        Mengjia, hold that the Quan clan hailed from west of the                                                                 Liu Huan, Jiagu, Jinwen zhong suo jian de Quanrong yu Xianyun   丁山,《甲骨文所見氏族及其制度》,北京,1988年
                        Shang state, i.e., present-day Shaanxi and Shanxi. Chen   頁116)。嚴志斌博士認為犬侯即為犬族的首領(前                                       [Quanrong and Xianyun mentioned in Oracle Bone and bronze
                        Fangquan, Yu Taishan, and others believe the Quan clan   述出處,頁297)。                                                      inscriptions], Yindu Journal, Issue 2, Henan, 1994.    郭沫若編,《甲骨文合集》,北京,1999年
                        originally lived east of the Shang. Some scholars locate its                                                             Yan Zhibin, Shangdai qingtongqi mingwen yanjiu [A Study of   劉桓,〈甲骨、金文中所見的犬戎與玁狁〉
                        lands in present-day Shandong. Others position them at the   關於犬族,劉桓先生曾通過研究一系列自武丁時期起                                     Bronze Inscriptions of the Shanghai Dynasty, Shanghai], 2017.    ,《殷都學刊》,第2期,河南,1994年
                        intersection of Shandong, Henan, and Jiangsu and argue that   的甲骨刻辭,分析梳理了其族氏脈絡。犬族最初與商                                    Yang Shuda, Jiweiju Jiawenshuo: Buci suoji [Jiwei Studio   嚴志斌,《商代青銅器銘文研究》,上海,2017
                        the Quan clan later migrated westward and settled in the   王朝為敵對關係,甲骨卜辭中可見「己酉卜,貞:雀                                       on Oracle Bone inscriptions: assorted records of divinatory   楊樹達,《積微居甲文說:卜辭瑣記》,卷下,北
                        west of the Shang empire.                                                                                                texts], vol. 2, Beijing, 1954.
                                                                  往征犬」(郭沫若,編號6979),此刻辭清楚記錄了                                                                                                京,1954年
                        Yang Shuda identifies the Quan clan as the people   商朝曾派遣雀前往征討犬。另見卜辭記「貞:惟備犬
                        alternately referred to in the historical record as Kunyi or
                        Hunyi, and as Quanyi or Quanrong (see Yang Shuda, p. 62).   僕」(上述出處,編號565),可理解為貞人問對於
                        Liu Huan, who shares the same opinion, has furthermore   犬方奴隸施用某類刑罰。又見有卜辭記「乙卯卜,
                        demonstrated that Quanrong was also called Xianyun (see   允,貞:令多子族比犬侯寇周,叶王事」(上述出

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