Page 97 - Bonhams Chinese Works of Art June 2015 Hong Kong
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Easily identified by its brilliantly-coloured red berries and evergreen 此盤飾靈芝、水仙、天竺和壽石紋飾,這組合取諧音「芝仙祝壽」
bamboo-like leaves, the nandina is also known as the ‘heavenly 之意,為雍正時期常見紋飾之一。北京故宮博物院藏《胤禛行樂
bamboo’, tianzhu 天竺, for its resistance to the cold winters and as 圖:書齋寫經》圖中,描繪雍正帝著文人服飾,展示執筆寫經的
a welcoming sight of the season. When paired with the narcissus, 場景,而門窗外亦可見「芝仙祝壽」的主題,見《雍正:清世宗
shuixian 水仙, the fungus, lingzhi 靈芝, and rockworks, shoushi 壽石, 文物大展》,台北,2009年,編號I-57,頁117。杜倫大學的高本
they form the pun ‘may the immortality of the fungus congratulate you 堪東方博物館藏Malcolm Macdonald舊藏一件例子可資比較,見
on your birthday and bestow longevity’, zhixian zhushou 芝仙祝壽. 《A Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Malcolm Macdonald
The fondness of the Yongzheng emperor for this floral and rockwork Collection of Chinese Ceramics in the Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental
composition is evident in a painting from the Qing Court Collection Art and Archaeology》,牛津,1972年,圖版LXXII,編號205。玫茵
in the Palace Museum, Beijing, depicting the emperor sitting in the 堂也藏一件相似的鬥彩盤,見R.Krahl著《Chinese Ceramics from the
imperial garden copying a sutra, illustrated in Harmony and Integrity: Meiyintang Collection》,倫敦,1994至2010年,第二冊,頁135,編
The Yongzheng Emperor and His Times, Taipei, 2009, no.I-57, p.117. 號765。香港佳士得也曾售出一對類似的例子可做比較,2014年5月
Compare an example illustrated in A Descriptive and Illustrated
Catalogue of the Malcolm Macdonald Collection of Chinese Ceramics
in the Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental Art and Archaeology, Oxford,
1972, pl.LXXII, no.205. See also a similar doucai dish in the Meiyintang
Collection, illustrated by R.Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the
Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994-2010, vol.II, p.135, no.765.
A pair of similar dishes was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
28 May 2014, lot 2911.