Page 116 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 116

           NEPAL, DATED 1716
           Distemper and gold on cloth; recto with a lengthy dedicatory inscription in the lower
           register, dated 836 Samvat (1716 CE), translated:

           “Greetings to Shri-Ananta. May it be auspicious. In the year 836, on the fourteenth day
           of the bright half of the Bha-dra month, on Monday, during Garakaran_a and Atigan_d_
           yoga [this painting was consecrated]. Having properly performed the rite of Avantavrata
           for fourteen years, the Brahmin named Suvarnadeya, the son of Ratnabhadra,
           commissioned [this painting]. I bow down to Ananta. Learned people consider him
           Shabda Brahma [but even] yogis do not know him well. Some regard him as a flame
           of the ever-burning lamp of knowledge. Some consider him an incarnation of Manu.
           Those who believe in the philosophy of Mi-ma-msa and Tantra think that he is Shiva
           (Isha). However, according to wise logicians he is the creator god.
           “On Monday, the fourteenth of the bright half of Bhadra, during the Dhanes_t_ha
           naksa_tra and the Atigan_d_a yoga, during the karan_a muhurta, when the sun was
           in Virgo and the moon in Aquarius, in the year 836 [c. August-September 1716 CE]
           Ratnabhadra and his wife Siddhevari and their son Suvarnadeva, along with others,
           eight persons altogether, accomplished the Anata vrata and consecrated this paubha
           [patibha-Ia], may it be auspicious. Each year this paubha should be displayed at the
           place where the Anata vrata is performed. May we achieve the affection of shri shri shri
           Anata vrata; may it be thus!”

           Himalayan Art Resources item no. 1856
           Image: 64 x 46 in. (163 x 117 cm)

           $300,000 - 400,000

           尼泊爾 1716年(據題記) 毗濕奴神廟博巴

           Hugo E. Kreiger, Kathmandu Valley Painting, The Jucker Collection, Boston, 1999,
           p. 62, no. 18.

           Dr. Ernst ‘Mischa’ and Angela Jucker Collection
           Sotheby’s, New York, 28 March 2006, lot 16

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