Page 100 - Sotheby's October 1 2017 Classical Paintings
P. 100
MAO HUAI 1753-1822 毛懷 行書《吳梅村集》詩句十首
Wu Weiye’s Poems in Running Script 水墨綾本 手卷
ink on satin, handscroll 署簽:(羅振玉) 毛南園先生書卷。上虞羅振玉署。鈐印:
signed Yixiang Mao Huai, with a dedication and two seals of the
artist 引首:畫禪滴髓。鈐印:「積古齋」、「徐長康」、
Titleslip by Luo Zhenyu (1866-1940) and with one seal of his 「子晉」
Frontispiece by Xu Zhangkang and with three seals of his 釋文:誰畫張家靜婉腰,輕綃一幅美人蕉。會看記曲紅紅
with two collector’s seals of Luo Zhenyu at the mounting 笑,喚下丹青弄碧簫。
border 莫將絕藝向人誇,新勢斜飛一角差。局罷兒童閒數子,不
Inscription on the wooden box by Torajiro Naito (1866-1934) 知勝負落誰家?
and with two seals of his 錦里先生住錦涇,百花潭水浣花亭。子雲寂寞餘奇字,抱
35.5 by 236.1 cm. 14 by 93 in.
Previously from the Collection of Iida Shinshichi’s Family
HK$ 60,000-90,000
US$ 7,700-11,600
98 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比