Page 104 - Sotheby's October 1 2017 Classical Paintings
P. 104
DONG QICHANG 1555 - 1636 董其昌 谿山煙靄圖
Smoggy Landscape 水墨灑金箋 手卷
ink on gold-flecked paper, handscroll 署簽:(阿南竹垞)董文敏公谿山煙靄圖卷。竹垞題簽。鈐
Painting: signed Xuanzai and with one seal of the artist
Calligraphy: signed Dong Qichang and with three seals of the 引首:(羅振玉)董文敏谿山煙靄圖。文敏畫法得力于北
artist 苑,而此卷則□矩巨師而參以二米與房山,幽深雅潔,乃
Titleslip by Chikuda Anan (1865-1928) and with one seal of his 中晚年合作。山水家圖雲雨易,而畫烟靄難,有宋一代推
Frontispiece by Luo Zhenyu (1866-1940), dated guihai (1923) 趙大年最擅長。文敏此卷,不讓古人,卷後行書洞達穎
and with two seals of his 利,與尋常一味清麗無骨者不同。文敏每遣侍兒及門生代
with four collector’s seals of Tang Huai (active in 18th century) 筆。此則傳為真迹無疑。年來文敏真迹傳世日稀,尋常所
in total 見得趙、李代筆,已為買王得羊,矧如此卷之精妙,確出
Inscription on the wooden box by Chikuda Anan, dated jiazi 己手,能勿球圖得祝耶。癸亥(1923)十月,貞松翁羅振玉
(1924) and with one seal of his 觀並記于津門寓居之後四源堂。鈐印:「羅振玉印」、
Painting: 26.7 by 119.8 cm. 10½ by 47⅛ in.
Calligraphy: 26 by 231.5 cm. 10¼ by 91⅛ in. 款識:溪山煙靄。玄宰。鈐印:「董其昌印」
HK$ 1,600,000-2,400,000
US$ 205,000-308,000
102 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比