Page 24 - Sotheby's October 1 2017 Classical Paintings
P. 24


ATTRIBUTED TO DING                                丁雲鵬(款) 十八應真像
                                                  水墨紙本 手卷
Eighteen Luohans                                  引首:祗園水集。庚戍(1790)中冬月,竹汀錢
ink on paper, handscroll
                                                  款識:佛弟子丁雲鵬沐手敬繪。鈐印 :「南羽
signed Ding Yunpeng and with two seals of the     氏」、「丁雲鵬印」
artist                                            後款有乾隆帝、成親王及錢泳之題跋,文略。
Frontispiece by Qian Daxin, dated gengshu (1790)
and with two seals of his                         鑑藏印:(方夢園) 「曾經方夢園家」
Colophons attributed to Qianlong Empire,          (杜小舫)「杜小舫藏書畫之印」
Yongxing and Qian Yong, each with one to two      「鄧氏珍藏」、「王時敏鑒賞書畫印」
with one apocryphal collector’s seal of Wang
Shimin, one collector’s seal of Du Xiaofang, one
collector’s seal of Fang Xunyi (1815-1888) and
one other collector’s seal

33 by 257.2 cm. 13 by 101¼ in.

HK$ 40,000-60,000
US$ 5,200-7,700


ATTRIBUTED TO GUAN                                管道昇(款) 楷書《太上黃庭內          鑑藏印:「程氏南雨田鑒賞」、「希世之寶」
DAOSHENG                                          景經》                      、「震佑觀」、「子孫寶之」、「中和」、
Calligraphy in Regular Script                     水墨紙本 手卷                  樸」、「子孫億世家傳之寶」、「程震佑印」
ink on paper, handscroll                          《太上黃庭內景經》釋文略。款識:余自幼學
signed Guan Daosheng and dated the third year     得台俺真跡《黃庭內景經》一卷,暇日閏閣閉
of Dade period (1299)                             門,綠窻閑靜,漫臨一過,忘其醜拙。昔衛夫
Colophons attributed to Wei Su, Song Ke, Shao     人獨步墨池,名垂千古,余小子初學執筆,
Bao, Wang Shizhen and Zhu Bianzhi, each with      何能造其萬一哉,不勝感嘆而已。大德三年
one to two seals                                  (1299)七月廿二日,天水管道昇識。
with twelve collectors’ seals
23.3 by 386.2 cm. 9⅛ by 152 in.                   跋,文略。

HK$ 20,000-30,000
US$ 2,600-3,850

22 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
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