Page 94 - Sotheby's October 1 2017 Classical Paintings
P. 94



ATTRIBUTED TO QIU YING                                            仇英(款) 飲中八僊圖卷

Eight Immortals of the Winecup                                    水墨紙本 手卷
ink on paper, handscroll                                          鈐印:「李」、「維洛」

signed Qiu Ying and with three seals of the artist                引首:(李汝南)明仇十州飲中八仙圖。實父此卷神采飛
Titleslip by Li Guorong (20th Century), and with two seals of     動,直迫唐宋神品之作也。乙未(1895)暮春仲齋李汝南時
his                                                               年六十一。鈐印:「為而不爭」、「李汝南印」、
Frontispiece by Li Runan, dated yiwei (1895) and with three       「仲齋」
seals of his
Colophon by Feng Shifan (twice), and with five seals of his       款識:實父仇英製。鈐印:「仇氏實父」、「仇英之印」
with one collector’s seal of Qin Enfu (1760-1843), one            、「十州」
collector’s seals of Ji Xichou (1791-1862), two collector’s seal
of Xiang Yuan (18th Century), two collector’s seals of Li Runan
(19th Century), six collector’s seals of Li Guorong and seven
other collectors’ seals

27.3 by 448.8 cm. 10¾ by 176⅝ in.                                 題跋:(馮時範)賀知章,會稽人,為太常博士。性放曠善
HK$ 300,000-400,000                                               又稱秘書外監。天寶三載,曰病上疏請為道士,求還鄉,
US$ 38,400-51,500                                                 上許之,勑賜鏡湖。汝陽郡王李璡好飲,帝一日召之,璡

92 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99