Page 120 - SOtheby's Hong Kong Fine Chinese Art May 2018
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VASE 《大明萬曆年製》款
the pear-shaped body sweeping up from a gently splayed 眾瓷器中熠熠生輝,光彩奪目。本品器形源自古青銅器,
foot to a tall waisted neck and a garlic-mouth, painted with
mandarin ducks, herons and various birds in a pond flourishing 尺寸碩然,萬曆時期可見較多此類大器型之五彩蒜頭瓶,
with lotus, reed and other aquatic plants, the neck decorated 所繪紋樣不一,各具特色。荷塘鴛鴦紋樣最先見於元代宮
with butterflies among flower sprays, all below a row of 廷器,後為明代帝王所鍾愛,沿襲於明官窰瓷。
pendent plantain leaves, the rim inscribed with a six-character
reign mark 一對東京出光美術館藏相類作例可資參考,錄於《嘉靖、
45 cm, 17¾ in. 萬曆の赤絵》,東洋陶磁美術館,大阪,1995年,編號
HK$ 1,200,000-1,500,000 546。台北故宮亦存一例,瓶口飾串珠紋並於肩部環飾
US$ 153,000-192,000
年,圖版83;另有一例,刊於John Ayers,《The Baur
Wucai wares of the Wanli period represent one of the
most sumptuous type of wares of the Ming dynasty, and Collection》,卷2,日內瓦,1969年,圖版A203;香港
are characterised by vibrant designs in vivid colours. The 蘇富比曾售兩例,分別為2005年10月23日,編號456,
present vase, which derives its form from bronze originals,
is magnificent in size and belongs to a group of wucai wares
of the same shape and decorated with a variety of designs.
The design of mandarin ducks in a pond was first introduced
into the court during the Yuan dynasty, a subject which was 另比一例,見於《中國藝術國際展覽會》,皇家藝術學
adopted by the Ming rulers in their imperial designs.
會《Polychrome Porcelain of the Ming Dynasty》,倫
A pair of closely related vases, from the Idemitsu Museum of
敦, 1950年,編號154,後售於倫敦蘇富比1953年3月24
Arts, Tokyo, was included in the exhibition Imperial Overglaze-
Enamelled Wares in the Late Ming Dynasty, Museum of 日,編號62;再較一例,售於香港佳士得1997年11月5/6
Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, 1995, cat. no. 22; and another was 日,編號1050。
sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 13th January 1987, lot 546.
Similar vases, but the mouth decorated with strings of beads
and the shoulder with a band of ruyi heads, include one in the
National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Yeh Pei-Lang,
Gems of the Wucai Porcelain, Taipei, 1996, pl. 83; another
published in John Ayers, The Baur Collection, vol. 2, Geneva,
1969, pl. A203; two vases sold in these rooms, the first, 23rd
October, 2005, lot 456, the second, 8th April 2007, lot 525;
and another sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 6th November 1997,
lot 1050.
Compare also a vase included in the International Exhibition
of Chinese Art, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1935, cat.
no. 1912, and in the Oriental Ceramic Society exhibition
Polychrome Porcelain of the Ming and Manchu Dynasties,
London, 1950, cat. no. 154, sold in our London rooms, 24th
March 1953, lot 62; and another sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
5th/6th November 1997, lot 1050.
118 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比