Page 29 - Fine Chinese Paintings, Asia Week Christies 2015
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LIU YONGLANG (19TH CENTURY)                                         HUANG JIMING (19TH-20TH CENTURY)
MONKEY WITH BIRD                                                    DEMON QUELLER

Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk                               Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk
Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist                   Signed, with two seals of the artist
One collector’s seal of Reverend Isaac Taylor Headland (1859-1942)  45 Ω x 24 º in. (115.6 x 61.7 cm.)
40 æ x 19 º in. (103.6 x 48.8 cm.)
                                                                    黃際明 鍾馗 設色絹本 立軸
清 劉用烺 猴子與鳥 設色絹本                                 立軸                  題識:黃際明恭畫。
題識:炳堂劉用烺寫生。                                                         鈐印:內廷供養、癸巳畫士

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