Page 10 - Kraak Porcelain, Jorge Welsh
P. 10
Putting up an exhibition and producing a catalogue such as this one is always a group
e ort and, once again, we have been fortunate to count on many friends, scholars and
collectors who have given us their support and shared their knowledge. We are indebted
for all their contributions.
For the second consecutive year, we are pleased to have the support of Fundação Oriente
for Jorge Welsh Books and for our research endeavours on the subject of kraak. We are
grateful for their grant towards the publication of this catalogue.
Above all we would like to thank Teresa Canepa for her tireless dedication to the making
of this catalogue. Teresa took up the research and the writing of the introductory texts and
all catalogue entries. Her usual curiosity, determination, enthusiasm and focus have been
essential to the success of this project, especially as we continuously added pieces to the
exhibition at an opposing rate to the time available to finish the catalogue.
We are also grateful to Christine van der Pijl-Ketel for allowing us to include her article,
Kraak porcelain ware salvaged from shipwrecks of the Dutch East India Company ( ).
Many were the contributions from friends and scholars for information about their
areas of specialisation, for directing us to un-recorded pieces or simply for sharing their
knowledge of particular pieces to which we did not have access. For this we are grateful to
Francisco Alves, António Manuel de Andrade Moniz, Mónica Bello, Filipe Vieira de Castro,
Francisco Clode, Valerie Esterhuizen, Jack Harbeston, Jonathan Harris, Professor Cao
Jianwen, Dr. Christiaan Jörg, Regina Krahl, Maria Antónia Pinto de Matos, Fred Meijer,
Francesco Morena, Edward P. Von der Porten, Xinqian Qiu, Armando J. G. Sabrosa, Sten
Sjostrand and Dr. Bettina Werche.
We would also like to acknowledge all those who lent us images for the illustrations
of the catalogue: Dr. Renato de Albuquerque; Corazon S. Alvina, Director of the
National Museum of the Philippines; Marta Areia and Alexandra Lopes Almeida from
the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum; Abdul Rahman El Assir, Romana Berg and Sabine
Schumann from b p k Photo Agency for an image from the Hamburger Kubstalle; Sarah
Bosmans from the Princessehof Museum in the Netherlands; Marijke Koop-Brouwer
from the Nationaal Archief in the Netherlands; Jon Culverhouse from the Burghley
House Collection; Filipe Vieira de Castro from the Nautical Archaeology Program,
Department of Anthropology at Texas A&M University; Juliette Gayraud from the
French Embassy in Lisbon; Franck Goddio; Jack Harbeston from IOTA Partners; Dr.