Page 11 - Kraak Porcelain, Jorge Welsh
P. 11
Paulo Henriques, Director of Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga; Sarah Jackson from the
Royal Pavilion & Museums in Brighton; Professor Cao Jianwen; Daragh Kenny from The
National Gallery, London; Rose Kerr; Christine van der Pijl-Ketel; Wittop Koning, Cecile
van der Harten, Evelyn van Kaam and Iris Labeur from the Rijksmuseum; Kirsten Kvam
from the Point Reyes National Seashore; Chris Linnane from Harvard Art Museum;
Norbert Ludwig from b p k Photo Agency for providing us with an image from the
Museum of East Asian Art, Berlin; Tom Lurie; Christine Michelini from the Peabody
Essex Museum; Olaf Mokansky from the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Weimar; Ece
Öyken from the Sadberk Hanim Museum in Istanbul; Véronique Pellier from the Musée
Adrien Dubouché; Dr. José Alberto Ribeiro, Director of the Museu Anástacio Gonçalves
in Lisbon; Elizabeth Saluk from the Cleveland Museum of Art; Denisonde Simbol from
the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore; Sten Sjostrand; Dr. Bettina Werche from
the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen in Weimar; Germany; Matthew Westerby at the
Metropolitan Museum of Art; Adam White from Lotherton Hall; Pam White from the
Squerryes Court Collection and Nicola Woods from the Royal Ontario Museum.
For the design we would like to thank Misha Anikst, for the photography Richard
Valencia, Alex Dixon for additional photographs of a bowl at Lotherton Hall, Alice Stilwell
for the translations, Beth Gardiner and Carolina Ferreira for proof reading, Ken Elliott for
additional proof reading and Bouke de Vries for conservation, cleaning and restoration of
some pieces.
To our assistants and collaborators in London and Lisbon, Margarida Barreto, Helena
Fonseca, Fatime Hashani and Ana Viegas, we are grateful for their help in this project and
for their continuous support throughout the years.
Luísa Vinhais
Jorge Welsh