Page 28 - Fine Chinese Paintings Sept 2016
P. 28



CHENG SHIFA (1921-2007)                                                                                                     程十髮 春瑞圖 設色紙本 立軸 一九八六年作

Auspicious Spring                                                                                                           題識:春瑞圖。丙寅(1986年)冬日,程十髮漫

Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper                                                                                      筆。
The painting measures 19 ¿ x 27 in. (48.8 x 68.4 cm.)                                                                       鈐印:十髮、程潼、十髮朱記、十髪書畫
The frontispiece measures 8 ¿ x 27 in. (20.8 x 68.4 cm.)                                                                    鑑藏印:閒邨平生心賞
The painting inscribed and signed, with four seals of                                                                       鞠穉儒(1972年生)題詩堂:春瑞。乙酉(2005
the artist                                                                                                                  年)立冬前二日,繩齋鞠稚儒瑑。
Dated winter, binyin year (1986)                                                                                            鈐印:鞠穉儒戳、印蟲

One collector’s seal

Frontispiece inscribed by Ju Zhiru (born 1972),

with two seals

Dated winter, yiyou year (2005)

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