Page 61 - Fine Chinese Paintings Sept 2016
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HE HAIXIA (1908-1998)                                         HE HAIXIA (1908-1998)
Boating Amidst Clifs                                          Forest in the Storm
                                                              Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper
Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper                        26 æ x 17 æ in. (68.2 x 45.2 cm.)
26 º x 17 ¬ in. (66.7 x 44.8 cm.)                             Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist
Entitled, inscribed, and signed, with one seal of the artist  $4,000-7,000
Dated third month, guihai year (1983)
                                                              Acquired from the Eastern Art Gallery, London, 1990.
PROVENANCE                                                    何海霞 山雨欲來 設色紙本 立軸
Acquired from the Jinjiang Hotel, Chengdu, Sichuan,           鈐印:海霞、何瀛
1983.                                                         來源:Eastern Art Gallery,倫敦,1990年。
何海霞 江山如畫 設色紙本 立軸 一九八三年作
題識:江山如畫。癸亥(1983)年三月,何海霞                                                                                                                                      59
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