Page 290 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 290

1534                                                                                1535

         1534                                        溥儒  丹桂仕女  設色紙本 鏡框              1535
       PU RU (1896-1963)                                                            CHEN SHAOMEI (1909-1954)
                                                     題識:秋 宵紅袖倚闌干,銀漢斜橫明月盤。
       Lady Holding Osmanthus                                 滿地參差丹桂影,一枝高折碧雲寒。      Lady Under Willow
      Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour                                    Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper
      on paper                                       鈐印:溥 儒之印、箕山穎水、溥儒、             63.5 x 29 cm. (25 x 11 ¡ in.)
      95 x 27.8 cm. (37 ¡ x 11 in.)                           拂石臥秋霜                 Signed, with two seals of the artist
      Inscribed and signed, with four seals of the
      artist                                                                        HK$180,000-280,000
      Dated first month, xinsi year (1941)                                          US$24,000-36,000

          PROVENANCE:                                來源:香 港太古佳士得,中國十九二十世紀          陳少梅 柳下仕女  設色紙本  立軸
                                                              繪畫,1992年9月28日,編號211。  款識:少梅。
      Lot 211, 28 September 1992, Fine 19th and                                     鈐印:雲彰、少梅
      20th Century Chinese Paintings, Christie’s     出版:楊 新、許愛仙編,《溥心畬書畫集·
      Swire Hong Kong.                                        卷上》,故宮博物院,紫禁城出版
          LITERATURE:                                         124。

      Yang Xin and Xu Aixian (eds.), Collection of
      Paintings by Pu Xinyu, Vol. I, Beijing Palace
      Museum, Forbidden City Publishing House,
      1997, p. 152, pl. 124.


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