Page 286 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 286



     1527                                        溥儒  西山松樹        水墨紙本 手卷                PREVIOUSLY IN THE COLLECTION OF
                                                                      一九五八年作           LU FANGGENG, PU RU’S DOCTOR
     PU RU (1896-1963)                                                                  溥儒醫生陸芳耕舊藏 (LOT 1528)
     Pine Trees of Xi Mountain                            鶴疑秦代色,僧訝晉時秋。                  1528
     Handscroll, ink on paper                             恐隨笙吹去,真與赤松遊。                  PU RU (1896-1963)
     12.5 x 107 cm. (4 √ x 42 ¿ in.)                      戊戌(1958年)十月為昌蔚先生作。            Temple in the Distance
     Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the           溥儒。
     artist                                                                             Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour
     Dated tenth month, wuxu year (1958)         鈐印:溥儒之印                                on paper
     Dedicated to Changwei (Chen Chang-wei)                                             12 x 95 cm. (4 æ x 37 ¡ in.)
     Colophon inscribed and signed by Jiang      江兆申(1925-1996)題跋:                      Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the
     Zhaoshen (1925-1996), with two seals        西山先生好以小幅作卷冊,每值閒逸則以之                    artist
     Dated spring, jiayin year (1974)            為遊戲,不矜不滯,精彩入神。朋好中每有
     Frontispiece inscribed and signed by Jiang  得之者,蓋志不在傳世,但自娛娛人。故一                    NOTE:
     Zhaoshen, with two seals                    切羈累豁然盡去耳。昌蔚兄出示此卷,留齋
     Titleslip inscribed and signed by Jiang     中近半載而不欲歸之,後乃苦索,知不可彊                    According to the present owner, the
     Zhaoshen, with one seal                     奪也。目識卷尾以璧趙,倘非藺之固守,又                    painting was acquired from Dr. Lu
                                                 安知能定歸藏府否也。甲寅(1974年)春江                  Fanggeng, Pu Ru’s doctor, who is currently
     NOTE:                                       兆申謹識。                                  living in the United States. Dr. Lu was at the
                                                                                        bedside of Pu Ru during his final moments.
     Chen Chang-wei (1907-1997) previously       鈐印:兆申小鈢、菽原
     served as a diplomat in Thailand for 11                                            HK$300,000-500,000
     years. He returned to Taiwan and served as  江兆申題引首:西山先生山水小卷精品。                    US$39,000-64,000
     a consultant to the National Palace Museum                       江兆申恭署。
     and a researcher at the National Museum of                                         溥儒 望遠登蕭寺 設色紙本 鏡框
     History.                                    鈐印:兆申小鈢、菽原
     HK$150,000-200,000                         江兆申題簽條:西山先生山水小卷精品。                             群山足秋色,四面聽天風。心畬。
     US$20,000-26,000                                                 陳昌蔚藏。江兆申署。
                                                 註:陳昌蔚(1907-1997),曾任中國石油                即溥儒家庭醫生,目前居於美國。溥儒去世
                                                 公司總經理,後借調至外交部,派駐泰國擔                    時即是陸醫生陪伴身邊。

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