Page 86 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 86
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1302 朱屺瞻 香風遠 設色紙本 鏡框 artist
一九七九年作 Dated July, 1974
ZHU QIZHAN (1892-1996)
Blowing in the Wind 題識:香 風遠。
己未(1979年)春畫於上海西郊公 A Chronicle of Zhu Qi-zhan’s life, Shanghai
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour 園,屺瞻。 Publishing House of Calligraphy and
on paper Painting, 1986, p. 81.
136.4 x 68.3 cm. (53 æ x 26 √ in.) 鈐印:朱屺瞻、太倉一粟
Entitled, inscribed and signed, with two seals HK$300,000-500,000
of the artist 來源:香港蘇富比,近現代中國書畫, US$38,00-64,000
Dated spring, jiwei year (1979) 1996年11月4日,編號495。
朱屺瞻 春雲出谷 設色紙本 立軸
PROVENANCE: 展覽:意 大利,費拉拉市馬薩里宮,“當代 一九七四年作
Lot 495, 4 November 1996, Fine Modern 10月10日。 題識:春雲出谷。王蒙字叔明,湖州人,
and Contemporary Chinese Paintings, 遇亂隱居黃鶴山,故號黃鶴山樵。
Sotheby’s Hong Kong. 出版:《當代中國繪畫選粹》,費拉拉市文 山水從董源、王維為宗,又參以趙松
化局,漢雅軒,意大利,1988年10月, 雪法筆意,縱逸多姿,為元季四大畫
EXHIBITED: 第22頁。 家之一。此幀余自故宮周刊單色印本
Italy, Ferrara, Palazzo Massari, Aspetti Della 朱屺瞻記。
Pittura Cinese Contemporanea, 3 July-10
October, 1988. 鈐印:朱屺瞻、年八十三、蒼潤
LITERATURE: 1303 著錄:《朱屺瞻年譜》,上海書畫出版社,
Aspetti Della Pittura Cinese Contemporanea, ZHU QIZHAN (1892-1996)
Cultural Department of Ferrara & Hanart
Gallery, October 1988, Italy, p. 22. Spring Landscape
Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper
HK$80,000-100,000 US$11,000-13,000 130 x 72.5 cm. (51 ¿ x 28 Ω in.)
Inscribed and signed, with three seals of the