Page 131 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 131


Armchairs such as the present type with enclosed crestrails are named     在明式高靠背椅具的體系當中,搭腦兩端不與後腿連接而向
nan guanmaoyi, or southern official’s armchair. The characteristic style  外伸展之扶手椅,是為四出頭官帽椅;如本拍品的搭腦兩端
of construction is depicting the image of an official’s hat, putou, as    與後腿使以挖煙袋鍋榫構成之扶手椅,是為南官帽椅。官
illustrated in Sancai Tuhui, which was published during Ming dynasty      帽椅之稱謂,並非單指椅子的某特定結構部位,而是意指整
to demonstrate the power of privileged social rankings. Compare a few     體的設計風格,與明王圻《三才圖會》中描繪的襆頭相似,
examples of the Southern Official’s Armchairs in the Beijing Palace       反映出對官祿權貴的追求。見北京故宮藏兩例南官帽椅,著
Museum, illustrated in Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (I), The  錄於故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系《明清家具(上)》,香
Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong,         港,2002年,頁44-45,圖30, 31。有關明式椅具體系的詳細
2002, P. 44-45, No. 30, 31. Also refer to Connoisseurship of Chinese      探討,可參考王世襄著《明式家具研究》,香港,1989年。
Furniture, Ming and Early Qing Dynasties by Wang Shixiang, Hong
Kong, 1990, for further discussions on the differing forms of chairs.

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