Page 186 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 186

PROPERTY FROM A JAPANESE COLLECTOR                                        南宋/元  龍泉青釉牡丹紋小鳳尾尊

     3311                                                                      來源
     PHOENIX-TAIL VASE                                                         龍泉青釉憑藉多次施釉的特殊工藝和先進的龍窯所營造的還
     SOUTHERN SONG-YUAN DYNASTY (1127-1368)                                    種理想的龍泉青釉在日本被稱為「砧青瓷」。「砧青瓷」的
     The body is decorated with a band of leafy peonies above a lower          造紙打漿用的砧杵。另一種說法將「砧青瓷」的命名與日本
     band of upright petals and below the concentric rings on the              茶道大師千利休﹝1522-1591﹞關聯,指出千利休曾將一件銘
     waisted neck, covered over all with a glaze of light sea-green color      為「千聲」的業已開裂的龍泉青瓷花瓶嵌以銅釘修補,由於
     except for the unglazed foot rim.                                         砧杵的㨶練聲與陶瓷器開裂聲相通,因此將同類的青瓷命名
     9 æ in. (24.8 cm.) high, Japanese wood box                                為「砧青瓷」,見謝明良《陶瓷手記》,12頁。

     HK$1,800,000-2,500,000 US$240,000-320,000                                此式龍泉窯鳳尾尊小件十分罕見。山口縣立荻美術館.浦上記
     PROVENANCE                                                                南宋至元,13-14世紀,載於《日本人の愛した中国陶磁:龍
                                                                               泉窯青磁展》,愛知,2012年, 42頁,編號30。 另可比一件
     A Japanese family collection, acquired in the 1930s and thence by         稍小的龍泉窯浮貼花丹紋鳳尾尊,售於紐約蘇富比,Eugene
     descent within the family                                                 Bernat夫婦珍藏,1980年11月7日,編號146。如此件鳳尾尊
     One of the beauties of this vase is its thick, unctuous glaze, termed by  靜嘉堂文庫美術館藏一件龍泉窯貼花牡丹紋鼓釘蓋罐,載於
     Japanese connoisseurs as kinuta. Kinuta is the term for a mallet, but     《日本人の愛した中国陶磁:龍泉窯青磁展》,愛知,2012
     which refers to Longquan mallet-shaped vases, which were imported         年, 51頁,編號44。
     into Japan in the Southern Song (AD 1127-1279) and Yuan (AD 1279-
     1368) dynasties, and became associated with the fine Longquan
     glaze. Another interpretation of the connection between ‘kinuta’ and
     Longquan celadon refers to the famous Japanese tea master Sen
     no Rikyu (1522-1591) who thought the sounds of Longquan glaze’s
     crackling is similar to the sounds of paper mallet knocking the pulp,
     and therefore named the Longquan wares ‘kinuta celadon’, see Xie
     Mingliang, Taoci shouji (Essays on Ceramics), Taipei, 2008, p.12.

     It is rare to find Longquan phoenix-tail vase in this small size. A very
     similar example is in the Hagi Uragami Museum, Yamaguchi, dated
     to the Southern Song-Yuan dynasty, discussed and illustrated in
     Longquan Wares: Chinese Celadon Beloved of the Japanese, p. 42,
     no. 30. A similar vase of slightly smaller size was sold at Sotheby’s
     New York, The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bernat, 7 November
     1980, lot 146. The characteristic peony design on the present vase also
     appears on an important drum-shaped covered jar, dated to Southern
     Song-Yuan dynasty and registered as important cultural property, in
     the Seikado Bunko Art Museum, Tokyo, illustrated in Longquan Wares:
     Chinese Celadon Beloved of the Japanese, p. 51, no. 44.

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