Page 202 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 202

THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN                                           明萬曆  青花五彩南極壽星坐像

3323                                                                  來源
A LARGE AND RARE MING WUCAI SEATED                                    仇焱之舊藏,售於香港蘇富比,1980年11月25日,拍品34號
                                                                      Dr. Elizabeth Shing,香港佳士得,2011年6月1日,拍品3583號
WANLI PERIOD (1573-1620)                                              敏求精舍,《敏求精舍三十周年紀念展》,香港,1990年,
The God of Longevity is shown seated atop a recumbent deer
raised on an oval plinth painted with clouds and waves breaking
against rocks, and holding a ruyi in his right hand. He is dressed
in a brightly coloured robe predominantly decorated with
peony medallions on an iron-red diaper ground, the front and
shoulders with blue-ground green dragon panels and the back
with a medallion of an iron-red chilong, tied at the chest and
partially open at the front to reveal the yellow under-garment
centred with a cloud scroll. His head is detailed with a long beard,
characteristically high bald crown and hair tied into a bow at the
nape of the neck. The recumbent animal dappled in underglaze-
blue, with fur markings streaked in sepia and with a yellow bell
hung on a tasselled collar, the oval plinth painted with clouds
and waves breaking against rocks, flanked at the front by a crane
and tortoise, the broad unglazed foot rim encircling the base
pierced with an aperture to one side and picked out in vivid green
15 Ω in. (39.5 cm.) high

HK$1,200,000-1,800,000 US$160,000-230,000


Yamanaka & Co., 1935, Osaka Bijutsu Kurabu, no. 13 (fig. 1)
Edward T. Chow Collection, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 25
November 1980, lot 34
Dr. Elizabeth Shing, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,1 June 2011,
lot 3583


Min Chiu Society Thirtieth Anniversary Exhibition, Selected
Treasures of Chinese Art, 1990, no. 149

                                                                                                                                                                      fig. 1

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