Page 80 - Christies IMportant Chinese Art Sept 26 2020 NYC
P. 80

          LENG MEI (1677-1742 OR LATER)                     清 冷枚(1677-1742後)
          Gathering Pussy Willows                           楊萬里詩意圖
          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and color on silk  設色絹本 鏡框 一七二五年作
          45 √ x 25 æ in. (116.5 x 65.5 cm.)                題識:乙巳(1725年)清和月,為天翁老張兄寫楊誠齋《初夏睡起》詩意以
          Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist  應命並希教政,金門畫史冷枚。
          Dated fourth month, yisi year (1725)              鈐印:冷枚吉臣、供奉清班
          Dedicated to Tianweng                             何德蘭鑑藏印:何德蘭
          One collector's seal of Reverend Isaac Taylor Headland (1859-1942)  一印漫漶不清
          One illegible seal

          PROVENANCE:                                       來源:
          Reverend Isaac Taylor Headland (1859-1942) and Dr. Miriam Sinclair   何德蘭伉儷舊藏,並由家族傳承。
          Headland (1859-1953), and thence by descent.
          EXHIBITED:                                        展覽:
          New York, Century Club, Exhibition of Chinese Paintings, Part of the   紐約,世紀俱樂部,“燕京大學何德蘭教授部分藏品展”,1909年3月
          Collection of Professor Issac Taylor Headland, PhD, Peking University,   13-19日。
          13-19 March 1909.
          LITERATURE:                                       出版:
          Century Club, Exhibition of Chinese Paintings, Part of the Collection of   《燕京大學何德蘭教授部分藏品展》,世紀俱樂部,紐約,Irving
          Professor Issac Taylor Headland, PhD, Peking University, Irving Press,   Press,1909年,編號47,第12頁。
          New York, 1909, no. 47, p. 12.

          Reverend Isaac Taylor Headland (1859-1942) was an American   美國傳教士、著名學者何德蘭(1859-1942)1880年抵達北京,隨後在燕京大學留
          missionary and accomplished scholar who went to Beijing in 1880   任理科教授。何教士致力為光緒皇帝(1871-1908)收集外文書籍,尤其是在科技
          and served as a professor at Peking University. Reverend Headland   書籍的收藏上頗有建樹。他的夫人何太太(1859-1953)是教會女子醫院的院長,
          was also instrumental in obtaining books on foreign topics, especially   後任燕京大學衛生學教授,亦是慈禧太后母親及姐妹的內科醫生。他對中國文
          technology, for Emperor Guangxu (1871-1908). His wife, Dr. Miriam   化有濃厚興趣,收藏中國畫作及器物眾多。在他的收藏中,除了來自慈禧太后本
          Sinclair Headland (1859-1953) served as head of the Presbyterian   人的畫作,還有中國古代書畫以及當時居住在京城的藝術家們的作品。
          Women’s Hospital and then as professor of hygiene at Peking
          University. She served as physician to the mother and sister of   冷枚畫中題識指明,此作描寫南宋詩人楊萬里《初夏睡起》詩意:畫面中高士閒
          Empress Dowager Cixi. Reverend Headland’s interest in Chinese   坐於花園中芭蕉樹下,恰將“日長睡起無情思,閑看兒童捉柳花”的意象表達得
          culture led him to assemble a large collection of Chinese paintings   淋漓盡致。
          and works of art. Regarding his paintings, in addition to works from
          the Empress Dowager herself, Reverend Headland collected classical
          works from earlier times and paintings made by contemporary artists
          living in the capital.
          As noted by the artist in the inscription, the present work draws
          inspiration from a poem by the Southern Song poet Yang Wanli
          (1127-1206) titled Awaking from a Nap in Early Summer. The poem
          describes a scholar waking up from a summer afternoon doze heavy
          with languor. Here, Leng Mei depicts the protagonist sitting in the
          garden under lush plantain leaves, idly watching the children chasing
          pussy willow flowers.

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