Page 85 - Christies IMportant Chinese Art Sept 26 2020 NYC
P. 85

Property from the

                                      Lenora and Walter F. Brown Collection

                                                         (Lots 1547-1612)

                   Walter Francis Brown (1930-2014) was a native Texan who, after   布華朗 (Walter Francis Brown,1930-2014年) 出生成長於德克薩斯州,
                   graduating from the University of Texas, established Delray Oil, Inc.,   自德克薩斯州大學畢業後,與伯父合力創辦「戴爾雷石油公司」 (Delray
                   in partnership with his uncle, for the exploration and production of   Oil, Inc.),從事油氣勘探及生產業務,其後再成立「布華朗勘探有限公
                   oil and gas in Texas and later in Western Canada with W. F. Brown   司」 (W. F. Brown Exploration Ltd.),拓展加拿大西部的油氣業務。兩家
                   Exploration Ltd. Both companies are located in San Antonio, Texas,   公司現位於德州聖安東尼奧市,目前由布氏家族持有及持續經營。1970
                   and remain active under continued family ownership. Mr. Brown   年代初,布先生在一場紐約佳士得拍賣會上與中國藝術品初次結緣,
                   discovered Chinese art in the early 1970s after attending an auction   自此潛心研究倫敦、巴黎、斯德哥爾摩、阿姆斯特丹、紐約和香港等地
                   at Christie’s in New York, and then he began exploring art auction   的藝術拍賣圖錄。對他來說,玩味與觀賞亞洲藝術品誠一樂也。而芸芸
                   catalogues from London, Paris, Stockholm, Amsterdam, New York   作品之中,最讓他傾心折服的乃是中國宋瓷之含蓄婉約與明清瓷器之
                   and Hong Kong. He loved studying and looking at the arts of Asia.   富麗精工。布先生投身油氣行業逾四十年,其業務如日中天,但他百忙
                   He particularly responded to the subtle and restrained aesthetics   之中仍不忘細閱諸多拍賣和古董商圖錄,鉤沉拾遺、樂在其中。他想方
                   of Chinese Song ceramics, and the powerful extravagance of Ming   設法蒐奇求珍,向世界各地的拍賣會與古董商購藏佳作。布先生與夫
                   and Qing porcelains. For over 40 years in addition to his prolific oil   人 (Lenora) 一生樂善好施,且深受亞洲各大藝術珍藏啟發,其中尤以巴
                   and gas businesses, he regularly made his way through a plethora   黎吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館為然。德州聖安東尼奧藝術博物館轄下的
                   of auction and dealer catalogues which he enjoyed studying with   亞洲藝術珍藏,便是他倆苦心經營的成果。布氏伉儷的遠見卓識催生
                   great enthusiasm. He was an eager buyer and acquired works of   了這批包眾萬象的中日藝術珍藏,洵為德州人民和全球藝術同好之幸
                   art from auctions and dealers throughout the world. Walter and   也。多年來,布先生與當代眾多的收藏名家、古董巨擘和博物館專家建
                   his wife, Lenora, were generous philanthropists and were inspired   立了深厚的情誼,2014年,這名資深的亞洲藝術藏家與世長辭,美國收
                   by many public Asian art collections, especially the Musée Guimet   藏界無不痛失斯人。
                   in Paris. They established the Asian collection at the San Antonio
                   Museum of Art in Texas. Their vision resulted in the creation of an
                   encyclopedic collection of the arts of China and Japan, to the delight
                   of the people of Texas and visitors from around the world. Over the
                   years, Mr. Brown established enduring friendships with many of the
                   major collectors, dealers and museum professionals of the day, and
                   his death in 2014 has left a void in the listing of long time, traditional
                   Asian art collectors in America.
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