Page 10 - The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology: Celebrated Discoveries from the People’s Republic of China
P. 10

T H E  W H I T E  H O U S E
                                                                 W A S H I N G T O N

                                                                 June 24,1999

                            I am delighted  to extend  warm greetings  to all those attending the  National  Gallery  of Art s
                            new  exhibition, The Golden Age  of  Chinese Archaeology:  Celebrated  Discoveries from  The  People's
                            Republic  of China.

                            Twenty-five years ago, the  government of China presented  to the American people the first
                            major  exhibition of Chinese archaeological treasures  unearthed  since the  1949  founding
                            of The  People's  Republic of China. That epochal  cultural exchange, Archaeological  Finds  of The
                            People's  Republic  of China, opened  at  the  National Gallery of Art in  1974 and  vastly enhanced
                            our  knowledge and understanding of China s art  and  culture.

                            The works exhibited  in  1974 were selected  to represent  many of the  most significant discoveries
                            made in the first quarter-century of the  PRC. Working with their  Chinese  counterparts,  the
                            organizers of that exhibition were the  National Gallery of Art in Washington and  The Nelson-
                            Atkins Museum in Kansas City. It is appropriate, therefore, that these  two institutions  have
                            once again joined  forces, this time with colleagues  at the  State Administration of Cultural
                            Heritage and Art Exhibitions China, Beijing, to organize this latest  superb  exhibition, one that
                            will bring to the  American public some of the  remarkable archaeological  discoveries made in
                            China over the  past  25 years.

                            Hillary and  I remember with great  pleasure our  1998 trip to China, where we had  the  oppor-
                            tunity to see some of these archaeological finds in their  native land. We are grateful to  the
                            organizers  of this exhibit and to the  Chinese  government  for sharing these treasures with  the
                            American  people.

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