Page 5 - The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology: Celebrated Discoveries from the People’s Republic of China
P. 5
The exhibition is sponsored by Eastman Kodak Company
Additional support for this exhibition Copyright © 1999. All rights reserved.
is provided by The Henry Luce Board of Trustees, National Gallery of
Foundation. Art, Washington.
The catalogue is supported by a grant This book has been produced by the
from the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Editors Office, National Gallery of
Carpenter Foundation. Art, Washington.
Editor-in-chief, Frances P. Smyth
The exhibition is supported by an Senior editor, Mary Yakush
indemnity from the Federal Council Editor, Charles Dibble
on the Arts and the Humanities. Indexed by Andrew Christenson
Designed by Chris Vogel
EXHIBITION DATES: with production assistance from
Margaret Bauer, Susan Rabin,
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Nancy van Meter, and Jennifer
19 September 1999-2 January 2000
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
13 February-/ May 2000 Typeset by Duke Typography in
Charlotte Book.
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
Printed on Biberest by Snoeck,
17 June-11 September 2000
Ducaju & Zoon, Ghent, Belgium.
The exhibition is organized by the
The clothbound edition is published
National Gallery of Art, Washington, by Yale University Press, London and
and The Nelson-Atkins Museum of New Haven.
Art, Kansas City, in cooperation with
the State Administration of Cultural
Library of Congress
Heritage and Art Exhibitions China,
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The People's Republic of China.
The Golden Age of Chinese
Archaeology / edited by
Front cover: cat. 152, detail
Xiaoneng Yang.
Back cover: cat. 175, detail p. cm.
Title page: cat. 151, detail
Includes bibliographical references
Opposite: cat. 132, detail
and index.
Page 14: cat. 117, detail ISBN 0-300-08132-4 (hard)
Page 47: cat. 151, detail
ISBN 0-89468-245-8 (soft)
Pages 48 - 49: cat. 24, detail 1. China — Antiquities Exhibitions.
Pages 136 -137: cat. 69, detail 2. Antiquities, Prehistoric — China
Pages 264 - 265: cat. no, detail Exhibitions. 3. China — Civilization
Pages 360 - 361: cat. 143, detail
Exhibitions. 4. Prehistoric peoples—
Pages 514-515: cat. 159, detail
China Exhibitions. I. Yang, Xiaoneng.
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