Page 58 - The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology: Celebrated Discoveries from the People’s Republic of China
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kind  of graphic  notation.  These  marks, present on the  pottery  remains throughout a wide spec-
                            trum of Banpo  sites,  from  Jiangzhai and  Banpocun in eastern  Shaanxi province, westward  to
                            Dadiwan, are  a further demonstration  of the  remarkable network of communications  sustained
                            for  many centuries  over the  entire geographic  territory  settled by this  early culture.  LF-H

                            1  In southern  China, on  the other  hand, rice agriculture,  at  Dadiwan (Yangshao early phase)  is followed at  the
                              associated  with an entirely different  cultural system,  beginning of the fourth millennium by the  Miaodigou
                              centered in the  Hanzhou  Bay region,  reaches  back almost  culture (Yangshao middle phase), and  later by the
                              as far into the  past. The Hemudu and  Majiabang people of  Shilingxia (Yangshao late phase)  (Gansu  1983^ 22-30).
                              the  south  lived along the  marshy shores  of the  bay in  The site was occupied again during Longshan  times.
                              wooden  houses built on  stilts, and  their way of life was  6  Gansu  1983^ 15-19, 30. A second building (F 901), proba-
                              clearly very different  from  that of their contemporaries  in  bly constructed  during the  early Longshan period, con-
                              the north.                                   sisted  of a main room  seventeen  meters long at  the  front
                            2  While scholars generally agree  that Yangshao comprises  and eight  across, flanked by additional rooms  on the  sides
                              several regional cultures and  developmental stages  the  and  at the  back. A covered  portico at the  front  was sup-
                              question of whether these  represent  discrete "cultures" or,  ported  by two rows of posts set on stone footings  (Gansu
                              rather, phases of a single culture remains the  subject of  1986,  i -12; color  pi. opposite page 16; pis. i - 2). The
                              debate  (see the  essay by Zhang Zhongpci, pages  519-525;  anslysis of the  excavated  remains suggests that the  Dadi-
                              Dai  1998,  and  Sun  1998).                 wan  structures  had hipped  roofs and double eaves. These
                            3  Zhongguo  1963; Xi'an  1988; Zhongguo  1983^  traits, as well as the  interior support  structures,  establish
                            4  Chang  1986,119.                            them as precedents for the  remarkable public buildings at
                            5  Gansu  19833, i -13, color  pi. i; pis. i - 3. The earliest, called  the  early Bronze Age sites of Erlitou and  Panlongcheng,
                              "Dadiwan  I" belongs  to the  same pre-Yangshao cultural  which inaugurated the tradition of Chinese  palace archi-
                              horizon found to underlie the  Banpo strata at Beishoul-  tecture  (Gansu  1986,11).
                              ing. Among the  objects  from  the  Dadiwan I level, we  find  7  Zhongguo  1983^  119, fig. 100 (M 169); Gansu  19833, pi. 2:3.
                              again examples of the earliest vessels with painted  decora-  8  Zhongguo  1963, pi. 160; Xi'an 1988, 273, fig. 198 (Jiangzhai
                              tion, bearing  a single band of red paint around the rim  Phase  III); Zhongguo  Shaanxi 1984, 481-487.
                              (Gansu  19833, i -13; color  pi. i; pis. i - 3. The Banpo phase

                            57  YANGSHAO  CULTURE!  BANPO
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