Page 83 - 2020 Nov 30 Christie's Hong Kong Scholars Art Of China
P. 83

2844 Continued

               The legs are placed at the six corners, and each conforms to the angle   在中國傢俱的平面造型中,
               of the corner with a ridge. The way they are joined to the aprons has   多寡而論,以方形、長方形
               the appearance of inserted-shoulder joints, but is actually done by
               embracing-shoulder tenons. Between the legs there are stretchers   (也包括委角方形、委角
               on both sides, uncarved except for beading on the edges. The space   長方形)為大尊,其次為
               between the aprons, legs and stretchers are inserted with a drawer. The   圓形,再次有六方形、八方
               drawers, because of the hexagonal form of the table, are in trapezoid   形、海棠形、梅花形、菱花
               shape. Each of the drawer is fitted on the base with a piece of slider,
               which slots into the grooved baseplate. The face of each drawer is   形、方勝形等少見者。造型
               carved with passion fruit scrolls, the central quatrefoil bloom fitted with   越來越複雜,木工製作的難
               a chrysanthemum form metal plate and fish-form handle, flanked by   度也隨之增大。這些複雜造
               meandering acanthus leaves. Below the stretchers there are pierced
               aprons of floral scrolls, each with three blooms joined by scrolling leaves.   型的傢俱,除了藝術性方面
               The cabriole legs are derived from the ‘dragonfly legs’ of Ming-style   若干關係。如本例桌面作六
               furniture. The upper sections are decorated with furled leaves, the
               ‘wings’ of the dragonfly, and the legs taper in from this point to form   方形,附有抽屜,是兼備情
               the cabriole. The lower section of the legs are straight from this point,   趣性和實用性的傢俱,推測
               with the two edges beaded, and terminate in an up-curled ruyi head,   應陳設在重要空間的中部,
               corresponding to the ruyi heads on the apron and the curled leaves
               of the upper section. The ruyi terminal is carved plump, with a raised   六面可憑,供人圍坐,不特
               spine, corresponding to the ridge of the legs. There are stretchers   意強調等級。其尺寸碩大,  fig. 1  Collection of the Palace Museum,
               below the legs supporting a reticulated footrest. The stretchers have   造型別致,為目前所僅見,  Beijing
               aprons carved with scrolling clouds terminating in the centre with a   一般這種尺度的六方桌、圓  圖一  北京故宮博物院藏品
               large ruyi head. 
               The current table is very large in size and also unique in style, and   或圓桌,可聚可散,靈活有之,凝重不及此例。
               is the only such example recorded. However, its form and style are
               comparable to many zitan furniture from the Qianlong period. For   桌面以六段攢拼板心而成,皆施悶榫,外觀不見榫頭,此為紫檀傢俱常
               example, there is a pair of square zitan stands with cabriole legs   見榫卯方式。桌面冰盤沿簡練,近下方壓素邊線一道,造型醇厚。
               decorated with passion fruit scrolls in the Palace Museum (fig. 1), which
               is closely related to the current table from the details on the legs, the   束腰稍高,鏟地高浮雕花紋,以西番蓮花和苕茛葉紋組成一花四葉圖
               waist, the aprons and the spandrels, even though the size and form are
               different. These stands are recorded to be displayed in the Shoukang   案,將每段束腰分割為四個開光狀,內浮雕四重瓣花頭。托腮肥厚,浮
               Palace, together with four zitan chairs with passion fruit scrolls. The   雕一周仰蓮紋,清宮造辦處檔案將這種仰俯蓮紋記為「八達馬」紋,此
               Shoukang Palace was home to the dowager empress Chongqing in the   名稱歷史可上溯至元代。束腰下為鼓出的牙板,在其上沿浮雕垂雲紋,
               Qianlong period.                                  如同鑲裝一周錦邊,雖然亦為浮雕工藝,但與前者以爽利特點的刀工不
               The footrest panel is fitted recessed, with a beaded edge and canted   同,雕刻圓潤飽滿,刀法圓活,宛如剔犀,富於裝飾,形成如雙托腮般
               corners. The passion fruit scroll, with a very balanced and classic   效果,以增端莊華貴。
               composition and beautifully executed carving, is an exemplary Qianlong
               period carving of this genre. In the centre is a large passion fruit bloom   腿足位於六角,隨桌面六方形造型做成劍脊棱狀,其與牙板的結合,外
               with three rows of six petals, corresponding to the hexagonal form of   觀近插肩榫,實為抱肩榫結構。腿足間另設素混面雙邊線直棖,與腿
               the table. It is surrounded by curling acanthus leaves all around, dotted
               with buds and blooms, and rendered in various techniques such as   足、牙板一道形成空檔,安設抽屜。抽屜之制,因六邊形每面皆外大內
               relief, reticulated and incised carving to depict the leaves furling and   小,故做成梯形。抽屜下有托板,每屜居中設木條為軌道,相應地抽屜
               unfurling. The luxurious carving coupled with the dark texture of the   底板下開長槽口,與軌道相接。抽屜臉浮雕西番蓮紋,中為四重瓣花頭
               zitan produce a very noble effect overall.
               The passion fruit scroll, composed of the passion fruit bloom, buds and   苕茛葉紋,花葉舒展蔓延、纏繞。腿間橫棖下方設透鎪而成的花葉紋牙
               acanthus leaves, is archetypical of the Rococo style. It was introduced   板,三朵花左、中、右排開,以花葉勾纏相連。
               to China in the early Qing period, and is also called ‘western bloom’ or
               ‘foreign bloom’. This exotic pattern was very popular with the Imperial   腿足為展腿式,自明代傢俱「蜻艇腿」衍變而來,上部有向兩邊翻卷花
               court, and was used extensively on objects. Missionaries were drafted
               into the Palace to produce enamelled wares, porcelain and furniture   葉,如同小翅,具節奏變化,腿足也自此內折,形成展腿造型。腿足沿
               so that these objects could be displayed in western style palaces. For   邊起線,至花葉處轉為卷珠紋。腿足展腿處內收後直落而下,末端外翻
               example, the records show that on the 14th day, 6th month of 16th year   為如意頭狀,與展腿處的卷珠紋、牙板上的如意頭紋遙相呼應。如意足
               of Qianlong, the emperor requested to:            雕琢圓潤可愛,一道脊線峰棱挺拔,與劍脊棱相接。腿足間下方設橫
               “Replace the four lacquer incense stands on the western stage of   棖,之間設雕花屜板,可作腳踏之用,但更多是裝飾和結構之需。橫棖
               Shuifa Palace. Order Lang Shining to draft a few of the same size in   下設卷雲紋牙板,中垂如意頭。
               western style for preview.”
               This table is a typical Imperial furniture made for the Palace. The
               Records of the Zaobanchu indicate that these zitan pieces of large   多乾隆時期宮廷紫檀傢俱印證,如故宮博物院藏有紫檀西番蓮紋高束腰
               size and quantity were mostly made by the Zaobanchu branch in the   展腿式方几成對(圖一)(《故宮博物院藏明清傢俱全集·17·几架》
               Guangzhou Customs office, either by Imperial command because   第164-171頁,故宮出版社,2015年),雖造型、尺寸不同,但西番
               zitan was mostly imported, or as tribute. The Guangzhou customs had
               abundant raw material because zitan was mostly imported, as well   蓮、如意雲頭等紋飾之應用,腿足、托腮、牙板甚至冰盤沿細節造型之
               as a supply of capable craftsmen. In fact, many of the carpenters in   特徵,都顯示出其共同的淵源。據查該幾原陳設於壽康宮,還有與之成
               the Yangxindian Zaobanchu were drafted from Guangzhou. Besides,   套的紫檀西番蓮紋扶手椅四把。壽康宮在乾隆時期為崇慶皇太后居所。

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