Page 84 - 2020 Nov 30 Christie's Hong Kong Scholars Art Of China
P. 84
fig. 2 ©Yamanaka & Co., Ltd., 1932 fig. 3 ©Yamanaka & Co., Ltd, 1938
圖二 © 山中商會,1932 年 圖三 © 山中商會,1938 年
2844 Continued
missionaries often entered China through Guangzhou, there was a 雕花屜板以紫檀厚拼板製成,落膛安裝,起鼓委角六方形開光,內透雕
strong Western influence reflected in the works that were produced. 西番蓮紋,佈局勻稱,構圖大氣,繁而不亂,雕琢精緻,磨制細膩,堪
Thus, the use of passion fruit scrolls was most successfully adapted
on furniture made in Guangzhou. For example, on the 17th year of 可作為清乾隆時期西番蓮紋圖案裝飾之典範。其中間為大朵西番蓮花絢
Qianlong, Ali Gun, the Governor of Hu Guang, and Li Yongbiao, the 爛開放,三層重花瓣,各為六瓣,交叉相疊,與六方桌的桌角、桌邊中
supervisor of Guangzhou Customs, sent as tribute ‘a pair of large zitan 心呈輻射狀對齊,圖案的設計兼顧與造型的呼應。花頭周圍為柔美的苕
tables with hundred bats and western flowers, a set of 12 zitan chairs 茛葉紋,並點綴有花蕾、花頭,佈滿整個空間,浮雕、鏤雕、陰刻技法
with foreign flowers, a pair of large zitan screens inset with glass, and 兼備,葉片向背翻轉,造型流暢,繁而不亂,落落大方,紫檀幽深的質
a pair of zitan horizontal hanging panels with painted glass insets’. The
‘hundred bats and western flowers’ mentioned here are probably bats 感配合爽利的雕工,富貴氣十足。
with lotus or passion fruit scrolls, while the ‘foreign flowers’ are likely
also passion fruit scrolls. 以西番蓮花、花蕾和苕茛葉紋組成的西番蓮紋,是洛可可裝飾之代表,
The current table was once in the hands of renowned dealer Yamanaka 極受皇家青睞,移植、借鑒此種紋飾於器物之上,且令外國傳教士介入
& Co., and later included in the Hosokawa Moritatsu Family Collection.
Yamanaka purchased a large amount of works of art from the residence 琺瑯器、瓷器、傢俱等器物設計,陳設在具有西洋風味的場所。如據清
of Prince Kung, including several furniture pieces that were published. 宮養心殿造辦處檔案記載,乾隆十六年六月十四日,命如意館將「水法殿
The current table was included in Antiques of the World Exhibition in 西平臺現陳設漆香幾四件,著郎世寧照此高矮另畫西洋樣款呈覽」。
Tokyo, and published in 1932 (fig.2), followed by the Grand Exhibition
of the World Ancient Relics in Tokyo, 1938 (fig.3). Hosokawa Moritatsu 此桌為典型的清宮御用器,從造辦處檔案來看,這種大型或者批量的紫
(1883-1970) was the founder of Eisei Bunko (Eisei Archive) in Tokyo 檀傢俱製作,多由造辦處分支機搆廣州粵海關或奉旨、或按例製作後奉
that assembled 80,000 pieces of Eastern works of art. The lineage 進,並核准奏銷。因紫檀為進口材料,粵海關有材料之便,且巧匠輩出,
of Hosokawa clan dates back to 14th century in Kumamoto, Japan. It
is worth mentioning that on the base of each of the drawer there is 甚至養心殿造辦處木工基本都由廣州工匠組成。而傳教士至中國,首到
a stamped mark ‘made in China’- a mark commonly seen on export 港口也多為廣州,所以該地受西方外來文化影響亦重,故西番蓮紋飾的
porcelain pieces in the late Qing dynasty, Guangxu period. Perhaps this 應用,也以廣作傢俱最為經典。如乾隆十七年湖廣總督阿裡袞和粵海關
table was sent overseas as an export piece at the time. 提督李永標貢進「紫檀百福洋花大案一對,紫檀番花椅十二張,紫檀鑲
有圖錄。此桌於 1932 年展於《世界古美術展覽直會》,東京(圖二),
其後於 1938 年展於《世界古美術大展觀》(圖三),皆有圖錄著錄。
細川護立 (1883-1970) 為東京永青文庫創立者,珍藏約 8 萬件東方藝術
品,其家族淵源可追溯至 14 世紀日本熊本城。另需一提的是每具抽屜
前臉底部有戳印「MADE IN CHINA」,這在清光緒、民國時期的外銷