Page 105 - Dr Yip April 2017 Poprtable Treasures
P. 105

The name of medicine chest or cabinet has been given to a type of    此具不一般的大藥箱,通體用黃花梨木造。藥箱一名泛指安有多具抽屜的
box of which the interior has many drawers, but in fact their usage  箱具,其實它們適合存放多種物品,此件大型如櫃的例子頗少見。
is manifold, suitable for the storage of various precious objects.
The present example is a particularly large example, quite rare.     長方底框攢邊打槽鑲板,下裝二根穿帶構成底座。抹頭豎立柱,以拱形橫
For a similar example in the Seattle Art Museum, see Grace Wu        櫃頂,兩側櫃幫和底座的槽口。櫃門格角榫攢邊打槽裝木紋華美的獨板門
Bruce, ‘Small Portable Treasures, Examples of Classic Chinese        心。橢圓形黃銅合葉,圓形面葉,曲形吊牌。櫃內分三層設抽屜九具,皆
Furniture: (V)’, Oriental Art, Autumn, 1993, London, p. 55.          安有黃銅面葉與拉手。


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