Page 108 - Dr Yip April 2017 Poprtable Treasures
P. 108
明末 黃花梨案架
of rectangular form, comprising two shelves and a top supported by four upright members, constructed with tongue-and-grooved floating
panels and mitred joints between the horizontal stretchers and the uprights, further decorated with four recessed aprons bordering the lower
49.9 by 59.1 by 28.5 cm, 19⅝ by 23¼ by 11¼ in.
Grace Wu Bruce, Chan Chair and Qin Bench: The Dr S. Y. Yip
Collection of Classic Chinese Furniture II, Art Museum, Chinese 伍嘉恩,《禪椅琴凳:攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具》,香港中文大學文物
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 152-153. 館,香港,1998年,頁152-153
◉ HK$ 480,000-650,000
US$ 62,000-84,000
A totally simple design, four uprights with a top and two shelves 此架格全身光素,四根立柱接頂蓋以及二層板,下部四邊微退後安裝素牙
and four shaped aprons slightly recessed at the base. This piece is 條。此架格適宜置放於書案或炕上使用。
suitable for use on table tops as well as on the kang.
This type of Ming furniture design looking totally contemporary 審美,讓人不禁對明式家具深究鑽研,蒐集蓄藏。
is what first drew twentieth century connoisseurs towards the
collection and study of Ming furniture. 看似現代製作,此具案架採用標準明代精湛榫卯結構:攢邊打槽裝板,橫
This piece may look of modern manufacture but there are Ming 代家具猶不可及。
tale-telling signs: the tongue-and-grooved floating panels; the
mitred joints where the horizontal stretchers meet the upright and
the lower weight transferring apron. These are all sophisticated
construction concepts and executions that are not usually found in
modern furniture making.
106 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比