Page 38 - Dr Yip April 2017 Poprtable Treasures
P. 38



清初 黃花梨騾馬鞍

modelled with the front and back curved like two rounded peaks, with two wide flat straps placed in between with its ends attached to the
shafts of the carriage, the centre of the front arch carved with a Buddhist lion with the front paw grasping a brocade ball, the protruding
flanges of the straps with two huangtong rings for the reins, the reverse of the arch with a small huangtong ring, each of the arched bridges
pierced with an opening near the lower part of the centre
15 by 33 by 26.9 cm, 5⅞ by 13 by 10⅝ in.

EXHIBITED                                                           展覽:

Grace Wu Bruce, Dreams of Chu Tan Chamber and the                   伍嘉恩,《楮檀室夢旅:攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具》,香港中文大學文
Romance with Huanghuali wood: The Dr S. Y. Yip Collection of        物館,香港,1991年,頁154-155
Classic Chinese Furniture, Art Gallery, Chinese University of Hong  《中國文物收藏》,亞洲文明博物館,新加坡,1997-99年
Kong, Hong Kong, 1991, pp. 154-155.                                 《嘉木堂呈獻葉承耀醫生藏明式家具珍品》,當代藝術中心 ,倫
The Chinese Collection, Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore,      敦,1999年
Grace Wu Bruce presents Ming Furniture from the Collection of       出版:
Dr S. Y. Yip, Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 1999.
                                                                    王世襄 ,《明式家具研究》,北京,2008年,頁405

Wang Shixiang, Mingshi Jiaju Yanjiu [Ming Furniture Research],
Beijing, 2008, p. 405.

◉ HK$ 80,000-120,000
  US$ 10,400-15,500

These types of saddles made of hardwood, were part of the           此種硬木騾馬鞍是清代轎子上的用具。此種鞍具北京俗稱「鞍橋」,因形
harness fittings of horse drawn carriages. In Beijing, they were    如一座拱橋而得名。
called anqiao (‘arched bridge’), because of their shape.

36 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
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