Page 155 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
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           A GRAY LIMESTONE STELE OF BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI AND   For an example in marble in the National Museum of Asian Art, Freer
           ATTENDANT FIGURES                                 and Sackler Galleries, see the website
           Northern Qi Dynasty or later                      F1913.27/, accession no. F1913.27. This example depicts similarly
           Of overall arched form with slightly incurving profile, the center   outlined gingko leaves and apsara's above two Bodhisattva's at the
           carved with an arch-shaped opening with the cross-legged Buddha   center and a similar sculptural frieze on the lower register. The reverse
           Shakyamuni flanked by two standing Bodhisattva's and beneath   side also bears comparison in the treatment of the pierced branches
           five small images of Buddha in the arch above, this is further flanked   and columnar gingko-leafed Bodhi-tree trunks. See also two others,
           by two taller standing Bodhisattva's on lotus supports below six   one a white marble stele of the seated Bodhisattva Maitreya with
           apsara's amidst leaves of the two large gingko-leafed Bodhi trees   attendants in the Avery Brundage Collection, with a central figure of
           and topped by a shrine flanked by small praying figures, themselves   seated pensive Maitreya Buddha, dated to the 2nd year of Tianbao
           above a seated Buddha flanked by boy acolytes and two dragons,   (AD 551), and illustrated in Gems of Chinese Art from the Asian Art
           all supported at the base on a rectangular block carved with a frieze   Museum of San Francisco, Hong Kong, 1983, pp. 230-231, no. 101;
           with two standing cross-legged Bodhisattva's at the ends and two   another illustrated by Hsien-Ch'i Tseng and Robert Paul Dart in The
           lions flanking two kneeling boys supporting a tall lotus-form censer at   Charles B. Hoyt Collection in the Museum of Fine Arts: Boston, Vol.
           the center, the narrow sides of the base with a single crowned seated   1, Boston, 1964, no. 155, depicting the Maitreya Buddha flanked
           figure holding a lotus bud, the reverse side with similarly carved figures   by four figures below the Bodhi tree; and another in the Museum fur
           to each end and a plain center, the upper three-quarters of the reverse   Ostasiatische Kunst, Cologne, with paired Bodhisattvas, illustrated
           of the stele with the backs of the haloed Bodhisattva's flanking the   by Denise Leidy and Donna Strahan, Wisdom Embodied, Chinese
           wide columnar trunks of the spreading gingko-leafed Bodhi tree under   Buddhist and Daoist Sculpture in the Metroplitan Museum of Art, New
           which stands a tall central figure of another Bodhisattva's.   York, 2010, p. 95, fig. 72.
           20 1/4in (51.3cm) high; 12 1/4in (31cm) wide; 4 7/8in (12.2cm) deep
                                                             Whilst white marble from the Taihang mountains in Dingzhou, Hebei
           $5,000 - 7,000                                    province was the primary material of choice for many of the free-standing
                                                             sculptures of the Northern Qi dynasty, other materials like limestone, are
           北齊或更晚 青石坐佛五尊像                                     recorded. For example, see Denise Leidy and Donna Strahan, ibid, p.
                                                             195, fig. 126 for another Northern Qi limestone stele from Anhui province,
           Provenance:                                       dated 563 CE in the Anhui Provincial Museum, Hefei.
           A Californian Collection
           Sotheby's New York, 19 March 1997, lot 159
           A Private New York Collection

           紐約蘇富比,1997 年 3 月 19 日,拍品編號 159

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